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[테마회화] 책을 읽어 보지 그러니?
Why don‘t you try reading a book?책을 읽어 보지 그러니?A : What are you doing up so late?A : 이렇게 늦게까지 안자고 뭘 하니?B : I couldn’t fall asleep , so I thought that maybe watching the tube would help.B : 잠이 안 와서. 텔레비전을 보고 있으면 잠이 오지 않을까 해서.A : But there‘s nothing on this late at night...A : 하지만 이렇게 늦은 시간에는 아무것도 방영되는 것이 없는데...B : I know, but there are some good old reruns on the local stations.B : 알아. 하지만 지나간 프로 중에서 좋은 것들을 재방송해 주는 지역 방송국들이 있거든. A : Why don’t you try reading a book? It‘s probably better for you th
Feb. 15, 2016
[포커스] 가상현실 현실 되다
Virtual reality has become real thingVirtual reality is a technology that creates the illusion of being fully immerged in the simulated worlds. But the profit potential from the burgeoning industry is becoming less and less of an illusion. Goldman Sachs recently predicted virtual reality, coupled with augmented reality, would become an $80 billion industry by 2025, possibly overtaking the TV market by 2026.“As the technology advances, price points decline, and an entire new marketplace of applic
Feb. 15, 2016
[사설] 집권 4년
Four years on집권 4년<12월21일자 사설>North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visited a mausoleum in Pyongyang on Thursday to pay respects to his father, who died four years ago. The abrupt death of Kim Jong-il on Dec. 17, 2011, put the young heir-apparent on the throne in the second dynastic succession of power in the country.북한 지도자 김정은이 목요일 4년 전 사망한 아버지에게 경의를 표하기 위해 평양의 금수산태양궁전을 찾았다. 2011년 12월 17일 김정일의 갑작스런 죽음으로 김정은은 북한의 두번째 권력 세습을 통해 집권했다. Over his four years in power, the junior Kim has ruled the communist
Feb. 15, 2016
[에니즈] 아내의 선물
My wife’s giftsDear Annie: My wife and I have been married for 46 years and have been happy for most of it. We recently traveled to North Carolina to celebrate the holidays with family and friends. It was also my 71st birthday, so it was especially lovely, and I received some nice gifts. My wife gave me a $50 debit card, which I greatly appreciated. However, when we were driving home after the turkey dinners, golf, shopping, visiting, etc., it was time to fill up the car. My wife insisted that I
Feb. 15, 2016
[팟캐스트] (131) 방석호 아리랑TV사장 호화 출장 논란 외 1건
진행자: 석지현, Paul Kerry 1. 문체부, 방석호 사장 사표 수리…조사는 계속 기사요약: 방석호 아리랑TV 사장은 지난해 두 차례 미국 출장에서 아들과 법인 카드로 식사하고, 고가의 경비 처리에 참석자를 허위로 기재했다는 의혹이 제기됐다. 문화체육관광부는 방 사장의 공금 횡령 등이 사실로 밝혀지면 환수한다는 방침을 세웠다 아이튠즈(아이폰): 팟빵 (안드로이드): Former Arirang TV chief under probe for corporate fund misuse [1] The Culture Ministry has accepted the resignation of Bang Suk-ho, president & CEO
Feb. 3, 2016
[테마회화] 중국에 가 본 적 있어요?
Have you been to China?중국에 가 본 적 있어요?Jieun: Have you been to many places?Jieun: 앤디는 많은 곳에 가 보셨나요?Andi: Well, yes, I’ve been to many countries. Maybe more than some people but less than others.Andi: 네, 많은 나라에 가 봤어요. 어떤 사람들보다는 좀 더 많이 갔을 거고, 또 다른 사람들보다는 덜 가봤겠죠.Jieun: Have you been to China?Jieun: 중국에 가 본 적 있어요?Andi: Yes, I’ve been to China twice, once to work and once just for travel. Have you been there?Andi: 네, 중국에는 2번 가 봤어요. 한 번은 일 때문에, 그리고 한 번은 여행으로요. 지은씨는요?Jieun: No, I haven’t, but I’d really
Feb. 1, 2016
[사설] 김영삼의 유산
Legacy of Kim YS김영삼의 유산<11월24일자 사설>Kim Young-sam was no doubt a towering figure in Korean politics. Most of all, the man, along with Kim Dae-jung, was a crusader for the nation`s pro-democracy movement. Like any other leader, Kim Young-sam, who passed away at the age of 87 Sunday, did both good things and bad things, but what he did for democracy alone more than makes up for any shortcomings he had. 김영삼은 분명 한국 정치계의 거목이었다. 무엇보다도 김대중과 함께 한국 민주화 운동의 투사였다. 일요일 87세를 일기로 서거한 김영삼은 다른 지도자들과 마찬가지로 공과가 있었
Feb. 1, 2016
[에니즈] 지나치게 민감한 이웃
Overly sensitive neighborDear Annie: You’ve printed a few letters in response to the one from “W,” who said her neighbor is overly sensitive to noise. This neighbor may have a mental health issue. My ex-husband, who suffers from a fairly severe mental illness, often complained of excessive noise from our neighbor’s adjoining townhouse, even though the sound would be perfectly fine to anyone else. He would call the police about it whenever he wasn’t taking his anti-psychotic medication. It caused
Feb. 1, 2016
[포커스] 한국의 전통주 제조 기술
The art of making Korean traditional liquor Savoring traditional Korean soju requires five steps, similar to wine tasting. You have to look at the color, smell the aroma, sip and hold it in the mouth for several seconds before letting it slide down the throat and enjoying the slowly spreading scent inside the nose and throat. “A good soju is soft and makes you smile,” said artisan Kim Taek-sang at his brewing studio at Samcheong-ro in Jongno, central Seoul. Kim has carried on the centuries-old t
Feb. 1, 2016
[팟캐스트](130) 한파경보 발령 외 1건
진행자: 송상호, Paul Kerry1. 한파경보 발령기사요약: 한파로 인해 동파사고와 저체온증 환자가 늘어났다. 제주에는 폭설로 인해 공항 운행이 마비된 상태이고, 이주 내린 눈은 30년만에 최고수준의 폭설로 기록되었다. 서울 지역에는 온도가 영하 18도로 떨어지는 등 올 겨울 들어 최저치를 기록했다.아이튠즈(아이폰): 팟빵 (안드로이드): spell sweeps across Korea[1] The number of frozen-pipe accidents and hypothermia patients soared while operations at the Jeju International Airport were paralyzed following the biggest snow
Jan. 29, 2016
[포커스] 비극적이고 특별한 한국 영재들의 이야기
Tragic and extraordinary stories of Korean prodigiesWhen Heo Nanseolheon (1563-1589) was just 8 years old, she wrote her iconic piece “Inscriptions on the Ridge Pole of the White Jade Pavilion in Kwanghan Palace,” a poem filled with a unique imagination about the world of spiritual beings. Today, the piece is still considered as the work of a poetic genius -- who later died at age of 27, after suffering an unhappy marriage and the deaths of her two children.Heo is one of very few women writers f
Jan. 25, 2016
[테마회화] 힘들게 알아냈죠!
He found out the hard way!힘들게 알아냈죠!Andi : Jieun, have you ever made a pronunciation mistake while speaking English?Andi : 지은씨는 영어로 말하면서 발음 실수한 적 있어요?Jieun: Sure! All the time, actually. Why do you ask?Jieun: 그럼요! 사실 항상 그래요. 왜요?Andi : Well, I have a friend who found out that pronunciation is very important while speaking Korean.Andi: 음, 한국말을 할 때 발음이 얼마나 중요한지를 깨달은 친구가 한 명 있거든요. Jieun: What happened?Jieun: 무슨 일이 있었는데요?Andi : My friend has been here for 3 weeks and he doesn’t speak Korean. Last Frid
Jan. 25, 2016
[사설] 동북아 개발 은행
Northeast Asia bank동북아 개발 은행<11월19일자 사설>President Park Geun-hye is pushing hard for her plan to set up a multilateral development bank to finance infrastructure construction in North Korea and other parts of Northeast Asia. Park first proposed the idea for the Northeast Asia Development Bank during her visit to Germany in March last year, pledging to help North Korea develop its economy if it gave up its nuclear ambitions. 박근혜 대통령이 북한 및 그 외 동북아 지역 인프라 건설에 자금을 조달할 다국적 개발은행을 설립하는 계획을 강력히 추진하고 있다.
Jan. 25, 2016
[에니즈] 아내의 벌
Closed-legged punishmentDear Annie: I’m 48 and have been married to my beautiful wife for 21 years. Lately, whenever we argue, she will withhold sex. This could be anywhere from a week to three months. And she won’t talk about it. This is putting a huge strain on our relationship. We’ve been to counseling for a year, but it hasn’t helped. She tells me that men my age don’t really need sex and that my libido is too high. Every fight we have brings back arguments from 10 or 15 years ago. It’s like
Jan. 25, 2016
[팟캐스트](129) 박근혜 대통령, 서명운동 동참 외 1건
진행자: 석지현, Paul Kerry 1. 박근혜 대통령, 입법 촉구 서명운동 직접 동참 기사요약: 대한상공회의소 등 38개 경제단체 등이 국회의 민생법안 처리를 촉구하는 서명운동을 시작했다. 박근혜 대통령도 이와 관련해 경제법안의 국회 처리를 압박하기 위한 ‘민생 살리기 입법촉구 1000만 명 서명운동’에 대한 국민의 동참을 호소했습니다. 아이튠즈(아이폰): 팟빵 (안드로이드): Park advocates petition campaign on labor bills [1] Stepping up the pressure upon the National Assembly to pass the pending labor reform bills, President Park Geun-
Jan. 20, 2016
[테마회화] 나 좀 집에 태워다 줄 수 있어요?
If you go tomorrow, can you give me a ride home?만약 내일 갈 거면, 나 좀 집에 좀 태워다 줄 수 있어요?Andi: If you go tomorrow, can you give me a ride home?Andi: 만약에 내일 갈 거면, 나 좀 집에 태워다 줄 수 있어요?Clara: Sure. What happened to your car?Clara: 그럼요. 차에 무슨 문제 생겼어요?Andi: I was in an accident.Andi: 사고가 났었어요.Clara: You seem okay now.Clara: 그래도 지금은 괜찮아 보이네요.Andi: I am. Thanks.Andi: 네 괜찮아요. 고마워요.Clara: If I give you a ride, we have to make a few stops along the way. Clara: 근데 제가 태워다 주는 길에 몇 군데를 들려야 할 거에요.Andi: That will be Ok.
Jan. 18, 2016
[번역스쿨] 존경하는 선생님
[예제 233] Early on, I was identified as an artist but had a talent for biology as well. I had a science teacher in junior high school who wanted me to go to the Bronx Science School, which was the premier high school in the United States. At the end of the year, I told him I wanted to become an artist and attend the High School of Music and Art, which was another extraordinary school in New York. Two weeks later, he stopped me in the hall and said, “I want to see you in my office.” I thought he w
Jan. 18, 2016
[사설] 일본의 의도
What is Japan up to?일본의 의도<11월16일자 사설>Japan’s ruling party is reportedly planning to reexamine the history of Imperial Japan from the Sino-Japanese War in the late 19th century to World War II. Japanese media reports that the Liberal Democratic Party plans to set up this month a history review panel to mark the 60th anniversary of the party’s founding. 일본 여당이 19세기 후반 청일전쟁부터 2차 세계대전까지 제국주의 일본의 역사를 검증할 계획인 것으로 알려졌다. 일본 언론은 자민당이 창당 60주년을 맞아 이달 역사검증 위원회를 설치할 계획이라고 보도했다. We suspect that the move is r
Jan. 18, 2016
[에니즈] 골프공 논란
Golf ball ballyhooDear Annie: I can’t believe your response to the letter from “Between a Golf Ball and a Hard Place,” saying that golf balls shouldn’t be cleaned in the kitchen sink. We routinely wash fruits and vegetables in the kitchen sink, and they have dirt and chemicals on them. Fighting over which sink to wash them in is like fighting over which way to hang the toilet paper. Get over it! -- EMT Dear EMT: We were surprised at the volume of mail this letter elicited. A lot of golfers must
Jan. 18, 2016
[팟캐스트](128) 한미일, 대북 공조 논의 외 1건
진행자: 윤민식, Julie Jackson 1. 한미일, 대북 공조 논의 기사요약: 최근 북한의 4차 핵실험을 계기로 한미일 3국이 오는 16일 도쿄에서 3자 협의를 갖는다. 이 자리에서는 유엔 안전보장이사회에서 진행중인 대북제재 결의안 협의를 포함해 중국과의 협조 방안, 안보협력 강화 등을 포함해 "강화된 공조"가 논의될 예정이다. 아이튠즈(아이폰): 팟빵 (안드로이드): Seoul, Washington, Tokyo to seek new N.K. sanction [1] The vice ministers of South Korea, the U.S. and Japan plan to meet in Tokyo on Saturday
Jan. 13, 2016