The Korea Herald


[팟캐스트] (384) 코로나가 바꾸는 음주 문화 / 배민, 요기요 매각 전제 합병 승인

By Korea Herald

Published : Dec. 30, 2020 - 15:12

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진행자: 손지형, Kevin Lee Selzer

1. Virus changes drinking habits

[1] In the time of COVID-19, get-togethers and celebrations are a no-no due to increased social distancing measures.

*get-togethers: 모임
*celebrations: 축하
*a no-no: 해서는 안 되는일

[2] According to a drinking habits survey released Thursday by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, home became the most preferred place to drink in the coronavirus era, whereas pubs and restaurants used to be the top drinking locations before.

*prefer: 선호하다
*whereas: 반면에
*pub: 술집
*used to: 과거에 -하곤 했다

[3] The survey also showed that most people said they used to have drinks with friends or colleagues from work before the pandemic, but now they drink at home by themselves or with family. People tend to drink less in one sitting nowadays, according to the survey.

*colleague: (직장등의) 동료
*by oneself: 스스로
*tend to: -하는 경향이 있다
*in one sitting: 한 회차에, 한 번 앉은 자리에

[4] “When I used to drink with others outside, sometimes I got caught up in the moment and ended up drinking too much. That usually led to bad hangovers. But drinking alone at home tends to be more in control and I do not have to worry about paying for a taxi ride.”

*get caught up in: 의지와 상관없이 휩쓸리게 되다
*end up -ing: 결국 -하고 만다
*hangover: 숙취
*alone: 혼자서


2. Delivery Hero to sell Yogiyo under watchdog’s antitrust policy

[1] Germany-based Delivery Hero will concede its food delivery service Yogiyo as a cost ofacquiring Woowa Brothers, the operator of market champion app Baemin, officials said Monday.

*concede: 포기하다
*cost: 비용, 대가
*market champion: 시장 1위

[2] The apparently reluctant decision came after South Korea’s antitrust watchdog disapproved the monopolistic merger of the top two apps in the fast-growing food delivery market.

*reluctant: 원치않았던
*antitrust: 반독점의
*watchdog: 감시기구
*monopolistic: 독점적인

[3] The FTC gave conditional approval to the takeover, saying that DH has to dispose of Delivery Hero Korea within the next six months. 

*conditional: 조건부의
*approval: 승인
*takeover: 인수
*dispose of: 처분하다

[4] Late last year, DH struck a deal to acquire an 88 percent stake in Woowa Brothers. While the deal raised anticipations for potentially the largest-ever merger of a local internet-based business, it also triggered monopoly disputes as Baemin and Yogiyo accounted for a combined 97.6 percent of the domestic food delivery market.

*strike a deal: 합의하다
*acquire: 인수하다
*stake: 지분
*account for: -를 차지하다
*domestic: 국내의


[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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