Lee Seung-gi, Jasper Liu team up in Netflix travel show ‘Twogether’
By Choi Ji-wonPublished : June 23, 2020 - 16:47
Netflix’s upcoming variety show “Twogether” features star actors from two countries who set off on a journey to meet their fans in Asia.
Featuring Korean actor-singer Lee Seung-gi and Taiwanese actor Jasper Liu, the upcoming show will draw the bromance between the two stars as they overcome language and cultural barriers on their way to connect with fans.
Star variety producer Cho Hyo-jin -- who produced Netflix’s “Busted” -- and producer Ko Min-seok have teamed up for the new series.
“We thought of putting together two men who don’t speak the same language on a trip to an unfamiliar location. But rather than having them just travel, we wanted to add something special for them. So we set them off on a trip to meet their fans,” Cho said during the show’s livestreamed promotional event on Tuesday.
While fans suggested numerous locations, a final set of six cities in three countries were selected based on how well they matched the characteristics of the two travelers.
In the eight-episode series, Lee and Liu travel to Bali and Yogyakarta in Indonesia, Bangkok and Chiang Mai in Thailand and Pokhara and Kathmandu in Nepal. All overseas shootings were finished in the fall of 2019, according to the producers.
In order for the men of different backgrounds and no previous connection to become quickly become close, Lee and Liu are given missions to complete on their journey.
While Lee is an expert in variety shows -- having starred in several hit Korean TV programs, including “Running Man,” “New Journey to the West,” and “All The Butlers” -- “Twogether” is the first variety show for the Taiwanese actor.
“We had no doubts in casting Lee. Keeping him in mind, we searched for someone who would get along well and Liu seemed perfect. Not only are they of the same age, but they oddly looked very similar,” Ko said.
For the variety show rookie, sleeping in the same room with Lee throughout the show and having cameras running round-the-clock were strange experiences.
According to Lee, the two, unable to speak each other’s languages fluently, communicated mainly in English.
“Regardless of how inexperienced Liu was with shows, he was always positive and tried his best for everything we did,” Lee said, adding their love for fans and passion for exploring new places were key factors that helped them connect beyond the language barrier.
Noting the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, Lee added, “Although it’s impossible for us to travel abroad these days, we hope that our show could become a source of satisfaction for viewers.”
All episodes of “Twogether” will be released worldwide simultaneously on June 26 on Netflix.
By Choi Ji-won (jwc@heraldcorp.com)