The Korea Herald


[Trudy Rubin] Russian TV news exacerbates disconnect between Putin and the US

By Korea Herald

Published : April 19, 2018 - 17:59

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As I was preparing to leave for Moscow, Russian friends were telling me that the TV talk shows -- in expectation of a US missile strike on Syria -- were hyping the advent of World War III.

President Donald Trump had warned Russia that the “missiles were coming.” But by the time I arrived late Sunday, the mood had totally shifted. Neither TV news, nor Russians I spoke with, were talking about war.

US military officials had given prior warnings to Russian counterparts: the strikes on three Syrian sites had been largely symbolic, and no Russians had been hurt. With the advance warning from Trump, the Syrians probably moved out anything they wanted to save.

But even as I settled into Moscow, the yo-yo of US-Russian relations kept bouncing.

On Sunday, the US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, announced that Trump would impose new sanctions on Russia shortly. On Monday, the White House said Trump hadn’t approved new sanctions. The Russian duma (parliament), poised to draft counter sanctions on US goods, then delayed the recommendations.

As I strolled through Bauman’s Garden Park, in a residential Moscow neighborhood, watching kids whip around on scooters and parents push strollers, the scene seemed light years away from the week’s tensions. Yet an hour of watching one of Russia’s premier TV talk shows, whose host Dmitry Kiselyov is a megaphone for anti-Western propaganda, was a sobering reminder of why US-Russian tensions are likely to get worse.

Note that national TV networks in Russia are state-controlled, and most Russians still get their news from television. Kiselyov makes Sean Hannity look tame and there is no CNN or MSNBC to offer a contrary version.

Kisleyov’s presentation of the “facts” about the missile affair, reflecting the claims of the Kremlin, were 180 degrees opposed to the news from Washington. According to him, the Syrians shot down the bulk of the US missiles (which the Pentagon says is totally untrue).

The talk show host declared there was no chemical weapons attack on the Syrian town of Douma. In his version, the scenes of gasping children were faked by the White Helmets, the courageous network of Syrian volunteers whose members rush to the scenes of Syrian regime bombing to rescue civilians from the rubble.

“There were no chemicals,” Kiselyov insisted. He featured footage of a Russian reporter on the scene in Douma who insisted that no one in the town ever heard anything about chemicals.

The fact that a Russian journalist could get safe passage into Douma was fascinating, since international weapons inspectors were blocked for days from entering the town.

The Kiselyov/Kremlin version of the attack is illustrative of the Alice-in-Wonderland quality of debate between the United States and Russia -- over almost all key points of contention.

Take the poisoning of former Russian double agent and his daughter, Sergei and Yulia Skripal, in Britain. It never happened, according to the Kremlin, or Kiselyov. It was all fake news. On Tuesday, the Kremlin flatly denied British and US claim that government-backed Russian hackers had infected computer routers around the world. And so the denials go.

The issue here is not that Moscow, and Kiselyov, contest the facts.

The problem is something far more dangerous. It is hard to imagine any serious dialogue occurring between Moscow and Washington because -- apart from all the political obstacles -- there is no factual basis for such a discussion. Whatever grievances Vladimir Putin holds against the West and vice versa, there can be no negotiations based on denial of facts.

Putin denied invading Crimea (until the facts became visually indisputable), denied sending mercenaries to eastern Ukraine, and apparently will continue to deny election meddling in the United States and Europe.

The Kremlin denies the Syrian regime’s use of chemical weapons on many previous occasions since Russia guaranteed that Damascus had destroyed them. It denies any role previous targeted assassinations of Kremlin opponents in the West. The list is a mile long.

There are still some optimists in Moscow who believe the tamped-down missile affair could spark a breakthrough. Konstantin Remchukov, publisher and editor of the daily Nezavisimaya Gazeta, told me he believes there will be a meeting between Trump and Putin by June, and that they will do some kind of big deal that will include arms control, North Korea, Syria and Ukraine.

Clearly, Trump wants such a meeting. But it’s hard to see one happening, even if the political stars aligned, unless the Kremlin is willing to talk facts rather than conspiracy theories. At some point, a dialogue between Washington and Moscow must begin, but watching Kiselyov echo wholesale Kremlin denials, it’s hard to see how.

Trudy Rubin

Trudy Rubin is a columnist and editorial-board member for the Philadelphia Inquirer. -- Ed.

(Tribune Content Agency)