The Korea Herald


[팟캐스트](165) 부산국제영화제 개막, 삼성 갤노트7 단종

By 임정요

Published : Oct. 12, 2016 - 14:11

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진행자: 두루미, Kevin Lee Selzer

1. 부산국제영화제, 갖은 악재 속 개막

기사 요약: 오랫동안 지속되어 온 보이콧 논란, 그리고 태풍 피해까지 겹친 가운데 개막한 제 21회 부산국제영화제. 지난해에 비해 규모가 작아졌고 참석하는 스타 배우들, 관객들의 숫자도 눈에 띄게 줄었다. 예정된 스케줄은 원활히 진행되고 있으며 300여 개의 국가에서 온 다양한 영화들을 상영 중이다.

Busan Film Fest kicks off amid foreseen, unforeseen complications

[1] The 21st edition of the Busan International Film Festival, Asia’s largest, kicked off Thursday amid a number of complications both unexpected and long-standing -- outdoor facilities damaged by Wednesday’s Typhoon Chaba and local filmmakers’ ongoing boycott over BIFF’s artistic autonomy.

*foreseen, unforeseen: 예견된, 예견되지 않은.
*kick off: 시작하다
*complication: 합병증, 문제
*long-standing: 오랫동안에 걸친 drawn out
*outdoor facilities: 외부 시설 (vs indoor facilities)

[2] Sets at BIFF Village, the venue on Haeundae Beach which was to host many of the festival’s outdoor events, were almost completely destroyed when the typhoon swept through the southeastern tip of the Korean Peninsula on Wednesday, with repairs estimated to take several days.

*venue: (콘서트, 스포츠경기, 회담, 파티) 등의 장소
*host: 주최하다. 동사로도, 명사로도 쓸 수 있음.
*sweep through: (바람, 유행, 역병 따위가) 휩쓸고 지나가다
*estimated to take: 예상 소요 시간

[3] All events scheduled to take place at BIFF Village, including outdoor interviews and hand-printing ceremonies, have been moved to the Busan Cinema Center, BIFF’s central venue. Festival organizers, breathing a sigh of relief that the typhoon narrowly missed BIFF’s opening day, are currently working to ensure all events will occur according to schedule, a BIFF official said. All international guests have arrived safely and will be attending events as scheduled, the official added.

*breathing a sigh of relief: 안도의 한숨을 내쉬다
*narrowly missed: 아슬아슬하게 빗나갔다


2. 삼성 갤럭시 노트7 단종, 폭발 원인

기사 요약: 배터리 폭발 논란으로 단종에 이르게 된 삼성전자의 갤럭시노트7. 발화원인은 당초 삼성이 밝힌 공정상 결함이 아닌 설계결함이라는 주장이 제기됐다. 

What caused Samsung Note 7 explosions?

[1] A number of reported blasts of replaced devices of Samsung Electronics’ Galaxy Note 7 suggests the batteries may not have been the main cause, despite the tech giant’s initial claim the incidents were caused by the faults of its supplier.

*a number of: 수개의, 여러 개의
*reported blasts: 보도된 폭발
*replaced devices: 교체된 기기
*initial claim: 애초의 주장
*incident: 사건

[2] When the explosion issue first broke out in September, Samsung Electronics pointed to faulty batteries as the problem.

*issue first broke out: 이슈가 처음 불거지다
*pointed to A as the problem: A를 문제로 꼽다
*faulty battery: 불량 배터리

[3] The firm’s mobile division chief Koh Dong-jin said the company discovered an issue in battery cells and the smartphone itself had no problem.

*itself: 그 자체는
