The Korea Herald


Parliament passes resolution condemning N. Korean nukes

By 임정요

Published : Sept. 21, 2016 - 10:53

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South Korea's parliament passed a new resolution Wednesday that urges Pyongyang to drop its nuclear development program, nearly two weeks after Pyongyang tested its fifth nuke underground despite strong opposition and warnings from the international community.

"We sternly warn North Korea that reckless provocations will only isolate it from the international community, and it will face more pressure," the resolution said, adding Pyongyang must take meaningful steps to give up all nuclear-related projects.

The lawmakers also urged the government to come up with countermeasures against North Korea's development of submarine-launched ballistic missiles, as well as weapons of mass destruction.

"The National Assembly actively supports the efforts made by the government and the international community against North Korean nukes," the resolution said.

The National Defense Committee and the Unification & Foreign Affairs Committee handed in resolutions on Sept. 9 immediately after North Korea conducted the fifth nuclear test, which were later combined into a single document. (Yonhap)