The Korea Herald


Park: North Korea shows signs of 'serious cracks'

By KH디지털2

Published : Aug. 22, 2016 - 17:47

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[THE INVESTOR]  President Park Geun-hye on Monday warned that North Korea may carry out provocations including terrorist attacks in response to signs of “cracks” within the communist regime.

“The North Korean regime, which has been repressing its people with an extended reign of terror while ignoring their livelihoods, has recently been showing signs of serious cracks,” the president said during a National Security Council meeting.

President Park Geun-hye President Park Geun-hye

She was referring to the series of defections of high-profile North Korean figures, including a top-ranking diplomat, viewing it as an indication of internal division.

The regular NSC session coincided with the kick-off of a two-week Ulchi Freedom Guardian exercise, an annual joint military exercise of South Korean and US troops.

“Especially, concerning this UFG practice, the North has been making threats that the drills may bring upon unpredictable consequences upon the Korean Peninsula, clearly alluding to further provocations,” Park said, calling for thorough readiness in the military.

She also used the opportunity to reiterate support for the planned deployment in South Korea of an advanced US anti-missile battery, the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, and to address the backlash from local communities.

“Our decision on the THAAD installment aims at protecting our nation and people from the North’s nuclear and missiles, yet (the North) is distorting the facts and using the situation as an excuse for additional provocations,” Park said.

“It is precisely North Korea’s intention that we should be swept away by their offensives and face increased division and chaos.”

Following the NSC meeting, the president chaired the Ulchi Cabinet meeting, in which she warned top government officials of the situation.

“(North Korea’s military provocations) are not just threats, but a message that it will actually cause crucial damage to our land and people,” said Park.

“(I) urge the Cabinet to be clearly aware of such a crisis situation and respond sternly to instigative actions.”

By Bae Hyun-jung/The Korea Herald (