The Korea Herald


Park calls on provincial gov'ts to make concerted efforts to revitalize economy

By 임정요

Published : Aug. 17, 2016 - 14:51

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President Park Geun-hye on Wednesday called on provincial governments to make concerted efforts to create jobs, bolster tourism and revitalize the economy, saying their unity was a driving force for South Korea's national development.

"There will be nothing we cannot address if we work together in the face of many challenges," Park said as she hosted a luncheon with dozens of top officials from 15 provinces and large cities.

"I believe you will play a big role in leading us as one to make another leap."

The chief executive, in particular, asked the provincial government chiefs to support the early passage of a bill on "regulation-free zones" that her government has pursued to foster various new industries as future growth engines and reinvigorate the overall economy.

"As you are well aware of the necessity of regulation-free zones, I hope that governors and mayors can join forces to secure the parliamentary passage of the bill and actively enforce the law," Park said.

The president, in addition, pointed to the need to capitalize on creative ideas, historical and natural resources, and cutting-edge technologies to create and promote unique tourism programs, highlighting that these programs will help create jobs and boost the local economy.

"Creative tourism is a sure way to breathe fresh life into the local economy and boost domestic consumption," she said.

The luncheon gathering followed the last one held in February.

Among the participants were Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon; Lee Suk-joon, the head of the Office for Government Policy Coordination; Hur Nam-sik, the chairman of the Presidential Committee on Balanced National Development; and presidential chief of staff Lee Won-jong. (Yonhap)