The Korea Herald


Seoul on alert for possible economic reprisal from China over THAAD

By Korea Herald

Published : July 12, 2016 - 16:21

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[THE INVESTOR] South Korean presidential office is closely monitoring trade with China for possible economic reprisal from China over the deployment of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system.

Speaking to reporters at the presidential office, chief presidential economic advisor Kang Seok-hoon, said that the government is “closely monitoring the situation” in response to questions regarding possible economic retaliation from China. 

Since Seoul and Washington announced the decision to deploy THAAD system in South Korea, concerns have risen that China may take economic action to pressure Seoul.

Following Seoul’s announcement on July 8, the Chinese government expressed strong opposition to the decision, and some Chinese news outlets have called for economic and political reprisal against South Korean entities.

By Choi He-suk (