The Korea Herald


Park calls on party, government to work in unison to tackle challenges

By 임정요

Published : July 8, 2016 - 16:20

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President Park Geun-hye on Friday called on the ruling Saenuri Party and her government to work in unison to tackle a series of security and economic challenges, as she hosted a luncheon with party lawmakers in a move to secure their support for an array of her policy tasks.

A total of 126 party lawmakers, along with interim leader Kim Hee-ok, attended the luncheon at the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae. It was the third such gathering since she took office in February 2013.

"I hope that the party and the government will work in unison to smoothly manage state affairs and overcome challenges, for the benefit of the country and people," she said.

"The success of the government is for the benefit of the people and the future of the party hinges on the people. This (fact), I believe, always remains the same," she added.

The gathering was seen as part of Park's efforts to enhance relations between the party and her office.

Tensions between the two sides flared up last month over the party's decision to reinstate a group of independent lawmakers who bolted from the party after failing to secure nominations for the April 13 parliamentary elections.

Among the independent lawmakers was Rep. Yoo Seong-min whose relationship with the president soured last year after Yoo played a role in the passage of a controversial bill that Park strongly opposed.

The president also used the gathering to foster unity in the party that has long been plagued by factional feuds. Party infighting has been cited as part of the reasons why the ruling party lost a majority in the 300-member National Assembly in the April 13 parliamentary polls.

The ruling party now has a total of 129 lawmakers -- seven more than the main opposition Minjoo Party of Korea.

"Our party has gotten stronger as it went through countless challenges in the past and we have also experienced winning back the minds of the people in a wise manner," she told the lawmakers.

"Let's join forces to regain public trust and lead the Republic of Korea to become a top-tier advanced country."

Park then highlighted the need for joint efforts to push for a set of her reform initiatives including the labor-sector reform, revitalization of the economy, dealing with security threats from North Korea, and laying the foundation for national reunification.

Saenuri interim leader Kim portrayed the party as being in a "serious crisis" in an allusion to the flagging support from the public and persistent factional strife. But he underscored that the party is fully capable of riding out the current challenges.

"The Saenuri Party should convert the crisis into opportunities," Kim said. (Yonhap)