The Korea Herald


윤일병 사망사건, 가혹행위 경악... "고문에다 성추행 의혹도'

By 신용배

Published : Aug. 3, 2014 - 09:36

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 28사단 윤 일병 사망과 관련해 가해자 5명이 최고 징역 30년의 징역을 받을 것으로 보인다.

1일 육군 고위 관계자는 지속적인 가혹행위와 집단폭행으로 윤 일병이 사망했다며 범행 정도에 따라 최소 5년에서 최대 30년의 징역형을 구형해 일벌백계할 방침이라고 말했다.

앞서 윤 일병은 지난 4월 6일 오후 4시 25분쯤 부대 PX서 사 온 냉동식품을 나눠 먹던 중 선임병에게 가슴 등을 폭행당한 후 갑자기 쓰러져 병원으로 옮겨졌다.

하지만 윤 일병은 삼킨 음식물이 기도를 막아 산소 공급이 중단되면서 뇌 손상을 일으켰고, 끝내 의식을 회복하지 못하고 다음날 숨졌다.

이 병장 등 4명의 가해자들은 지난해 12월 전입한 윤 일병에게 내무반에서 오전 3시까지 기마자세로 서 있도록 해 잠을 자지 못하게 했으며, 치약 한 통을 강제로 먹이거나 물을 붓기도 하고 가래침을 핥아먹게 하는 등의 가혹행위를 저질렀다.

또한 군 인권센터가 공개한 군 수사기록에 따르면, 가해자들은 윤 일병의 얼굴과 허벅지의 멍을 지우기 위해 연고제 안티프라민을 처방하고, 심지어 윤 일병의 성기에 안티푸라민을 발라 성적 수치심을 주기도 했다.

특히 이들은 윤 일병에게 포도당 수액주사를 맞혀 회복시킨 뒤 또 다시 구타한 것으로 알려져 충격을 자아냈다.

28사단 윤 일병 사망에 군 수사기관은 앞서 한 달 가까이 상습적으로 구타와 가혹행위를 한 이모 병장 등 병사 4명과 가혹행위 등을 묵인한 유모 하사 등 5명을 상해치사 등의 혐의로 구속기소했다.

군은 또 지휘감독 책임을 물어 연대장과 대대장 등 간부 16명을 징계했다.

이와 함께 가해자들이 윤 일병을 성추행했다는 의혹이 일고 있는 것에 대해 군 당국은 가혹행위의 한 부분으로 파악하고 있다며 추가로 법률 검토를 해서 공소장을 변경하는 방안도 검토하고 있다고 설명했다.

이 소식을 접한 누리꾼들은 "28사단 사망사건 28사단 윤 일병 사망, 진짜 최악이다" "28사단 사망사건 28사단 윤 일병 사망, 악마가 따로없다" "28사단 사망사건 28사단 윤 일병 사망, 죽은 윤 일병 너무 불쌍해" "28사단 사망사건 28사단 윤 일병 사망, 신상 공개하자" 등의 반응을 보였다.



<관련 영문 뉴스>

New Army abuse case draws public fire

Another case of physical abuses at a military barracks is drawing fire from the public, with human rights activists blasting the Army for its continued failure to care for the potential victims of bullying.

It was found this week that a 23-year-old Army private first class, identified by his surname Yoon, died on April 7 after suffering a month of physical and mental violence. Yoon was dispatched to his unit of the Army’s 28th Division in Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi Province, on March 2.

 Yoon’s death followed repeated vows by the Army to stamp out violence at barracks and improve the outmoded military culture in the wake of a series of violent incidents, including suicides and even a shooting spree in June by a bullied sergeant.

According to the Center for Military Human Rights Korea, an activist group, Yoon suffered “unspeakable” abuse from his senior colleagues.

Senior soldiers repeatedly beat Yoon at the barracks because they thought he was too slow in responding to their questions and often grimaced, the CMHRK claimed after obtaining part of the military investigation records.

Yoon was also forced to stay awake and stand in the “saddle stance” at night and lick saliva from the floor, according to the center. The senior soldiers also forced him to apply Antiphlamine, an anti-inflammatory ointment, to his genitals ― which the CMHRK argues should be regarded as sexual harassment.

Yoon was initially reported to have died after his senior colleagues struck his chest, blocking his airway and leading to brain damage. Some observers raised suspicions that the Army was trying to downplay or cover up the case by not revealing the tortures Yoon suffered.

Lim Tae-hoon, head of the CMHRK, argued that a murder charge rather than a manslaughter charge should be leveled against the alleged bullies.

“They apparently sought to destroy evidence after the abuses took place. They also said they wished Yoon had died when he lost consciousness. Considering all these (facts), the manslaughter charge should be changed to a murder charge,” he told reporters during a press conference Thursday.

Regarding the sexual harassment claim, the Army said it would see if it had to press additional charges against those involved.

The Defense Ministry apologized to the public for the case and reiterated its resolve to eradicate violence in the military.

“We are deeply sorry about causing concerns. We are also sorry to the bereaved family,” said Wee Yong-sub, chief of the ministry’s Public Information Division. “We are taking this case very seriously and will speed up our efforts to craft measures to improve the military culture and root out all violence and abuse.”

Army chief Gen. Kwon Oh-sung has issued an order to wipe out violence in all units and enhance communication among senior and junior soldiers. The Army has also reprimanded 16 senior officers from Yoon’s unit including the battalion and company commanders.

The prosecution has indicted five others on manslaughter charges and another on assault charges. Prosecutors are seeking sentences of five to 30 years in jail for the alleged bullies.

By Song Sang-ho (