인도네시아는 할리우드 블록버스터 영화 '노아'가 종교적 배경에 따라 논란을 빚을 소지가 있다며 국내 상영을 금지했다고 인도네시아 언론이 26일 보도했다.
인도네시아 영화심의위원회(LSF) 무클리스 파에니 위원장은 기자회견에서 이같 이 밝히고 위원들이 영화에 포함된 여러 요소가 이슬람 경전 '코란'의 근본적 가르 침에 어긋난다는 점을 고려했다고 설명했다.
그는 그러나 영화의 어느 부분이 코란에 어긋나느냐는 질문이 계속되자 "다른 중동 국가들의 조치를 따른 것"이라고 한 발짝 물러서면서 LSF는 영화가 상영될 경 우 "폭력적인 항의시위가 일어날 것을 우려한다"고 말했다.
자카르타포스트는 이 영화가 카타르, 바레인, 아랍에미리트 등에서 이미 상영이 금지됐고 이집트와 요르단, 쿠웨이트도 금지할 것으로 전망된다고 전했다.
노아는 대런 아로노프스키 감독이 성경 창세기에 나오는 '노아의 방주' 이야기 를 스크린에 옮긴 영화로 세상의 악에 맞서 방주를 짓고 그 안에서 공포와 희망, 갈 등을 겪는 노아의 가족을 현실감 있게 그려냈다는 평가를 받고 있다.
무클리스 위원장은 '노아'의 극장 상영은 물론 인터넷 다운로드, DVD 등 모든 형태의 영화 배포를 금지하고 경찰청과 해적판 유입에도 대비하고 있다며 "이 영화 를 보고 싶은 사람은 외국으로 가면 볼 수 있을 것"이라고 말했다. (연합)
<관련 영문 뉴스>
Indonesia bans Hollywood epic 'Noah' over Islamic concerns
Indonesia has banned Hollywood biblical epic "Noah" starring Russell Crowe, censors said Tuesday, the latest Muslim country to stop the film being screened due to concerns it contradicts Islamic values.
Censors in the world's most populous Muslim-majority country said they decided to ban the film, which had been set for release Friday, as the depiction of prophets is forbidden under Islamic law.
As well as being a biblical figure, Noah is also a prophet for Muslims.
"We rejected the screening of the film in Indonesia," Zainut Tauhid Saadi, a member of the Indonesian Censorship Board, told AFP.
"The visual depiction of a prophet is forbidden in Islam," he said, adding:
"The film will hurt both Christian and Muslim communities."
It came after the Paramount film based on the story of Noah's ark, which stars Crowe as Noah and is directed by Darren Aronofsky, was banned by Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates earlier this month.
Egypt's top Islamic body, the Al-Azhar institute, has called for "Noah" not to be screened in the country.
The film has also angered some Christian institutions in the United States due to Crowe's reportedly unconventional portrayal of Noah.
The ongoing controversy over the film, which also stars Jennifer Connolly and Emma Watson, prompted Paramount to announce last month they would add an explanatory message to future marketing materials for the movie.
It issued a joint statement with the US-based National Religious Broadcasters body, announcing the move "to help audiences better understand that the feature film is a dramatization of the major scriptural themes and not a line-by-line retelling of the Bible story".
Indonesia has banned films in the past, including "Balibo" which which tells the story of Australian-based journalists allegedly killed by Indonesian troops in East Timor as Jakarta prepared to invade.
Jakarta claims the reporters were killed in crossfire.
"Noah" will be released this week in several countries, including the United States on Friday. (AFP)
Indonesia bans Hollywood epic 'Noah' over Islamic concerns
Indonesia has banned Hollywood biblical epic "Noah" starring Russell Crowe, censors said Tuesday, the latest Muslim country to stop the film being screened due to concerns it contradicts Islamic values.
Censors in the world's most populous Muslim-majority country said they decided to ban the film, which had been set for release Friday, as the depiction of prophets is forbidden under Islamic law.
As well as being a biblical figure, Noah is also a prophet for Muslims.
"We rejected the screening of the film in Indonesia," Zainut Tauhid Saadi, a member of the Indonesian Censorship Board, told AFP.
"The visual depiction of a prophet is forbidden in Islam," he said, adding:
"The film will hurt both Christian and Muslim communities."
It came after the Paramount film based on the story of Noah's ark, which stars Crowe as Noah and is directed by Darren Aronofsky, was banned by Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates earlier this month.
Egypt's top Islamic body, the Al-Azhar institute, has called for "Noah" not to be screened in the country.
The film has also angered some Christian institutions in the United States due to Crowe's reportedly unconventional portrayal of Noah.
The ongoing controversy over the film, which also stars Jennifer Connolly and Emma Watson, prompted Paramount to announce last month they would add an explanatory message to future marketing materials for the movie.
It issued a joint statement with the US-based National Religious Broadcasters body, announcing the move "to help audiences better understand that the feature film is a dramatization of the major scriptural themes and not a line-by-line retelling of the Bible story".
Indonesia has banned films in the past, including "Balibo" which which tells the story of Australian-based journalists allegedly killed by Indonesian troops in East Timor as Jakarta prepared to invade.
Jakarta claims the reporters were killed in crossfire.
"Noah" will be released this week in several countries, including the United States on Friday. (AFP)