7,000년전 사망한 인류의 DNA를 복원해 해당 인물 모습을 재현했다고 가디언이 전했다.
스페인국립연구원은 스페인 칸타브리아산 동굴에서 발견된 유골의 치아를 가지고 2006년부터 DNA 복원에 나섰다. 동굴 속 온도가 낮아 유골이 잘 보존되었다고 연구진은 밝혔다.
연구진이 복원한 7,000년전 인류 모습은 푸른 눈에 까만 머리를 가진 것으로 나타났다. DNA 분석 결과 이 인물은 소화장애로 사망한 것으로 보인다고 가디언은 전했다.
최초로 신석기 이전 시대 인류의 DNA를 모두 얻은 이 연구는 네이처지에 실렸다.
(코리아헤럴드 이신영 인턴기자 sylee@heraldcorp.com)
<관련 영문 기사>
Swarthy, blue-eyed caveman revealed using DNA from ancient tooth
The genome sequence of 7,000-year-old human remains overturns the popular image of light-skinned European hunter-gatherers, the Guardian reported.
The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) took DNA from the tooth of a European hunter-gatherer. The Mesolithic man, who lived in Spain around 7,000 years ago, had an unusual mix of blue eyes, black or brown hair, and dark skin, according to analyses of his genetic makeup.
The Spanish research team started their work in the Cantabrian Mountains of northwest Spain in 2006. The human remains had been well preserved by the cool environment of the cave.
Details of the study were published in the journal, Nature.
Swarthy, blue-eyed caveman revealed using DNA from ancient tooth
The genome sequence of 7,000-year-old human remains overturns the popular image of light-skinned European hunter-gatherers, the Guardian reported.
The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) took DNA from the tooth of a European hunter-gatherer. The Mesolithic man, who lived in Spain around 7,000 years ago, had an unusual mix of blue eyes, black or brown hair, and dark skin, according to analyses of his genetic makeup.
The Spanish research team started their work in the Cantabrian Mountains of northwest Spain in 2006. The human remains had been well preserved by the cool environment of the cave.
Details of the study were published in the journal, Nature.