북한이 김정은 국방위원회 제1위원장의 지시로 장성택의 일가 친인척 대부분을 처형한 것으로 알려졌다.
복수의 대북소식통에 따르면 26일 "김정은 제1위원장의 지시로 장성택의 친척에 대한 대대적인 처형이 이뤄졌다"며 "장성택의 친인척은 어린 아이까지 모두 죽임을 당했다"고 말했다.
소식통에 따르면 장성택의 누이인 장계순과 매형인 전영진 쿠바 대사, 장성택의 조카인 장용철 말레이시아 대사와 그의 아들인 20대 중반의 태령•태웅은 작년 12월 초 평양으로 소환돼 처형됐다.
한 소식통은 "장용철과 전영진 부부 등은 총살됐다"며 “이들뿐 아니라 장성택의 두 형의 아들 딸과 손자·손녀까지 직계 가족은 전부 처형됐다"고 전했다.
정확한 총살 시점은 확인되지 않고 있지만 장성택이 처형당한 작년 12월 12일 이후로 추정된다.
장성택은 3남2녀 중 삼남으로 두 형인 장성우와 장성길은 군 장성으로 활약하다 지병으로 사망하고 두 명의 누이만 남았지만 그 자녀가 결혼해 자식을 낳으면서 친인척 수가 적지 않은 것으로 알려졌다.
다른 소식통은 "장성택의 친인척들을 끌어갈 때 저항하면 아파트 주민이 지켜보는 앞에서 권총으로 사살하기도 했다"고 말했다.
다만 장용철의 부인 박춘희 등 장성택의 일가에 결혼해 들어온 여자의 경우에는 처형 대신 강제 이혼을 시켜 친정 가족들과 함께 산간벽지로 추방한 것으로 알려졌다.
대북 소식통은 "장성택의 친인척을 처형한 것은 그의 잔재를 남기지 않겠다는 것"이라며 "장성택 세력 숙청은 친인척부터 말단 관리에 이르기까지 광범위하게 진행되고 있다"고 설명했다.
정확한 총살 시점은 확인되지 않고 있지만 장성택이 처형당한 작년 12월 12일 이후로 추정된다.
장성택은 3남2녀 중 삼남으로 두 형인 장성우와 장성길은 군 장성으로 활약하다 지병으로 사망하고 두 명의 누이만 남았지만 그 자녀가 결혼해 자식을 낳으면서 친인척 수가 적지 않은 것으로 알려졌다.
다른 소식통은 "장성택의 친인척들을 끌어갈 때 저항하면 아파트 주민이 지켜보는 앞에서 권총으로 사살하기도 했다"고 말했다.
다만 장용철의 부인 박춘희 등 장성택의 일가에 결혼해 들어온 여자의 경우에는 처형 대신 강제 이혼을 시켜 친정 가족들과 함께 산간벽지로 추방한 것으로 알려졌다.
대북 소식통은 "장성택의 친인척을 처형한 것은 그의 잔재를 남기지 않겠다는 것"이라며 "장성택 세력 숙청은 친인척부터 말단 관리에 이르기까지 광범위하게 진행되고 있다"고 설명했다.
<관련 영문 기사>
All relatives of Jang executed too: sources
All relatives of the executed uncle of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, including children and the country's ambassadors to Cuba and Malaysia, have also been put to death at the leader's instruction, multiple sources said Sunday.
Jang Song-thaek, the once-powerful uncle, was executed last month on charges of attempting to overthrow the communist regime, including contemplating a military-backed coup. All direct relatives of Jang have also been executed, the sources said.
"Extensive executions have been carried out for relatives of Jang Song-thaek," one source said on condition of anonymity. "All relatives of Jang have been put to death, including even children."
The executed relatives include Jang's sister Jang Kye-sun, her husband and Ambassador to Cuba Jon Yong-jin, and Ambassador to Malaysia Jang Yong-chol, who is a nephew of Jang, as well as his two sons, the sources said.
All of them were recalled to Pyongyang in early December and executed, they said. The sons, daughters and even grandchildren of Jang's two brothers were all executed, they said.
It was unclear exactly when they were killed, but they are believed to have been put to death after Jang's death on Dec. 12.
"Some relatives were shot to death by pistol in front of other people if they resisted while being dragged out of their apartment homes," another source said.
Some relatives by marriage, including the wife of the ambassador to Malaysia, have been spared from executions and sent to remote villages along with their maiden families, according to the sources.
"The executions of Jang's relatives mean that no traces of him should be left," a source said. "The purge of the Jang Song-thaek people is under way on an extensive scale from relatives and low-level officials." (Yonhap)
All relatives of Jang executed too: sources
All relatives of the executed uncle of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, including children and the country's ambassadors to Cuba and Malaysia, have also been put to death at the leader's instruction, multiple sources said Sunday.
Jang Song-thaek, the once-powerful uncle, was executed last month on charges of attempting to overthrow the communist regime, including contemplating a military-backed coup. All direct relatives of Jang have also been executed, the sources said.
"Extensive executions have been carried out for relatives of Jang Song-thaek," one source said on condition of anonymity. "All relatives of Jang have been put to death, including even children."
The executed relatives include Jang's sister Jang Kye-sun, her husband and Ambassador to Cuba Jon Yong-jin, and Ambassador to Malaysia Jang Yong-chol, who is a nephew of Jang, as well as his two sons, the sources said.
All of them were recalled to Pyongyang in early December and executed, they said. The sons, daughters and even grandchildren of Jang's two brothers were all executed, they said.
It was unclear exactly when they were killed, but they are believed to have been put to death after Jang's death on Dec. 12.
"Some relatives were shot to death by pistol in front of other people if they resisted while being dragged out of their apartment homes," another source said.
Some relatives by marriage, including the wife of the ambassador to Malaysia, have been spared from executions and sent to remote villages along with their maiden families, according to the sources.
"The executions of Jang's relatives mean that no traces of him should be left," a source said. "The purge of the Jang Song-thaek people is under way on an extensive scale from relatives and low-level officials." (Yonhap)