노무현 전 대통령을 '정신나간 인물'이라고 로버트 게이츠 전 미국 국방장관이 최근 발 간한 자신의 회고록에서 평가했다.
14일 주요 외신들에 따르면 로버츠 게이츠 전 장관은 그의 회고록 '임무'(Duty)에서 지난 2007년 11월 서울에서 당시 재임 중이던 노 전 대통령을 만난 적이 있다고 소개한 뒤 "나는 그가 반미적(anti-American)이고 아마도 약간 정신나갔다(crazy)고 결론내렸다"고 밝혔다.
게이츠 전 장관은 또 "노 전 대통령은 자신에게 '아시아의 최대 안보위협은 미국과 일본'이라고 얘기했다면서 후임자인 이명박 전 대통령과는 상반된 모습을 보였다"고 밝혔다.
이에 대해 비록 현직 장관은 아니지만 외국의 전 국가원수를 공개적으로 비난한 태도에 대해서 과연 적절한 것이 었는지 논란이 제기되고 있다.
회고록에서 게이츠 전 장관은 또 지난 2010년 11월 발생한 연평도 포격 때 "(한국측에서) 보복에 대한 요구가 있었고, 원래 (한국의) 보복 계획은 비행기와 대포를 동원한 지나치게 공격적(disproportionately aggressive)이었다"고 말했다.
한국의 강경방침에 "오바마 대통령과 클린턴 국무장관, 마이크 멀린 합참의장 등이 한반도 긴장이 걷잡을 수 없을 정도로 고조되는 것을 우려해 며칠간 한국과 통화했다"면서 "중국도 북한 지도부를 상대로 상황을 누그러뜨리기 위한 노력을 했다"고 전했다.
<관련 영문 기사>
In memoir, Gates calls ex-Korean President Roh "crazy"
Reading a new memoir by former U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, South Koreans may be quite surprised by his characterization of the country's late President Roh Moo-hyun as "a little crazy," Yonhap News reported.
The report said Gates recalls a November 2007 meeting in Seoul with the liberal-minded president, whose diplomatic and security policy is still being debated.
He calls Roh "anti-American and probably a little crazy." Roh was quoted as telling Gates that "the biggest security threats in Asia were the United States and Japan."
The 618-page book, titled "Duty," went on sale Tuesday and has already become sensational for the former secretary's criticism of President Barack Obama for his strategy on Afghanistan, Yonhap said.
Another controversy is expected over such a blunt condemnation of a late foreign head of state, the news report said.
In contrast, Gates spoke highly of Roh's conservative successor, Lee Myung-bak.
"I really liked Lee; he was tough-minded, realistic and very pro-American," he said.
Gates also revealed some details of when the two Koreas were on the verge of a full-fledged military conflict in November 2010. The North launched a massive artillery attack on the South's western border island of Yeonpyeong.
He said South Korea's restraint reached its limit as the artillery barrage followed the deadly sinking of a South Korean warship from the North's torpedo attack months earlier.
"South Korea's original plans for retaliation were, we thought, disproportionately aggressive, involving both aircraft and artillery," he said. "We were worried the exchanges could escalate dangerously."
Following days of top-level phone conversations with the U.S., South Korea simply returned artillery fire on the location of the North's batteries that started the attacks, he said.
"There was evidence the Chinese were also weighing in with the North's leaders to wind down the situation," he said.
Gates served as defense secretary from 2006 to 2011.