The Korea Herald


김조광수-김승환 커플 혼인신고서 "수리 불가"

By 박한나

Published : Dec. 10, 2013 - 16:03

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김조광수(좌)와 김승환 김조광수(좌)와 김승환

김조광수 김승환 커플이 혼인신고를 접수했으나, 구청 측에서는 이를 불수리했다.

서대문구청 관계자는 한 매체와의 통화에서 “김조광수 김승환 동성커플의 혼인신고서 접수는 가능하나 수리는 불가하다”고 밝혔다.

이어 관계자는 “김조광수 측에서 혼인신고서를 우편을 통해 발송할 예정이라고 들었다. 하지만 내부 방침은 등기우편으로 서류가 도착하면 불수리 통지서를 발신하기로 정했다. 만약 이의가 있다면 이의신청은 법원으로 하게된다. 그땐 법원 철자에 따라 진행된다”고 말했다.

헌법 36조 1항에 따르면 ‘혼인과 가족생활은 개인의 존엄과 양성의 평등을 기초로 성립되고 유지되어야 하며, 국가는 이를 보장한다’고 규정하고 있다. 서대문구청 측은 이를 근거로 “동성 혼인은 허용 법률이 없다”고 수리 불가 이유를 설명했다.

김조광수 김승환 커플은 서대문구청이 혼인신고를 수리하지 않으면 변호인단(참여연대 공동대표인 이석태 변호사, ‘희망을 만드는 법’ 한가람 변호사, ‘공감’ 장서연 변호사)과 함께 법원에 이의신청을 내는 등 소송도 불사한다는 방침이다.

이석태 변호사는 “우리나라 헌법에는 동성 혼인 금지 조항이 없다. 그렇기 때문에 법정에서 싸워볼만한 가치가 있다”고 덧붙였다.

<관련 영문 기사>

Ward office to reject same-sex marriage

By Cho Chung-un

Controversy is growing over same-sex marriage as a local ward office plans to turn down a marriage registration request by the nation’s first married gay couple here.

Seodaemun-gu Office in northern Seoul said Tuesday that it will refuse to register the marriage between two men -- film director Kim-Jho Gwang-soo and film distributor Kim Seung-hwan -- citing the Constitution. 

“Based on the first clause of the article 36 of the Constitution which defines marriage as a union between a man and woman, (the office) has decided not to accept their marriage registration,” the office said. “We have decided to send them a notification that we are not able to accept their request,” it added.

The comments came on the same day the couple said they would seek legal approval of their marriage. 

“We will submit a marriage registration to the ward office in order to get state recognition of our wedding (vows) publicly (exchanged) in September,” Kim-Jho said at a press conference.

The couple held a symbolic wedding in Seoul in September, amid intensifying disputes over same-sex marriage and sexual minorities. The two have been partners for nine years.

If the government refuses to legally recognize their marriage, they would consider filing a petition with the Constitutional Court, the couple said.

“If the government rejects to acknowledge our marriage, it will be (seen as) an apparent discrimination against sexual minorities,” Kim-Jho said. 

“(The government) should not deprive sexual minorities of rights to form families in Korea,” he added. Gay rights activists and civic groups have backed their decision, vowing to join the legal fight.

The move to seek legal approval of the same-sex marriage was met with strong opposition from church groups and conservative activists.

“We oppose the attempt to legalize same-sex marriage that goes against the Constitution and breaks families and social order,” the group said at a rally held in front of the couple’s press conference.
