2014학년도 대학수학능력시험은 쉬운 수능의 기조를 유지하면서 6•9월 모의평가 수준으로 출제했다고 수능출제본부 가 밝혔다.
정병헌 수능출제위원장(숙명여대 한국어문학부 교수)은 7일 오전 세종로 정부서 울청사에서 브리핑을 갖고 "영역•과목별로 쉬운 수능의 기조를 유지했고, 첫 수준별 시험인 국어•수학•영어는 9월 모의평가 수준으로 냈다"고 말했다.
정 위원장은 "B형은 원래 수능 수준의 난이도를 유지하고, A형은 더 쉽게 출제한다는 약속을 최대한 지키려 했다"고 말했다.
아울러 "탐구영역과 제2외국어•한문은 작년 수능과 유사한 난이도"라고 말했다.
정 위원장은 "대체로 적정한 수준으로 출제됐다고 평가 받는 올해 6•9월 모의평가 수준에 맞춰 출제하려고 노력했다"며 "수준별 수능이어서 작년 수능과 비교하는 것은 무의미하다"고 설명했다.
정 위원장은 "새로운 유형은 특별히 고심해 출제하지 않았다"며 "난이도를 고려 해 어려운 문제, 중간 문제, 쉬운 문제들을 적정하게 배치하고 그 비율은 대체로 예 전의 수능과 같은 수준"이라고 말했다.
최근 몇년간 유지돼 온 '영역별 만점자가 1% 정도 나오도록 출제한다'는 원칙에 대해서는 "고려하지 않았다"고 말했다.
이에 대해 수능출제기관인 한국교육과정평가원 성태제 원장은 "올 수능의 경우 수준별시험이어서 모집단이 과거와 다르고 A/B형 선택이 다양해 이를 맞추는 것은 불가능하다고 판단했다"고 부연했다.
정 위원장은 EBS교재와의 연계율은 과거처럼 70% 이상 되도록 유지했다고 설명했다.
영역별 EBS 연계율은 국어 71.1%, 수학 70.0%, 영어 71.1%, 사회탐구 71.0%, 과 학탐구 70.0%, 직업탐구 70.5%, 제2외국어/한문 70.0%다.
<관련 영문 기사>
650,000 take annual college entrance exam
By Oh Kyu-wook
South Korea’s public offices and stock market opened an hour later than usual and airport runways entered a temporary hiatus, as more than 650,000 students took the annual college entrance exam Thursday.
This year, 650,747 high school students and graduates applied for the state-administered College Scholastic Ability Test, better known as the Suneung, according to the Ministry of Education. The number of test takers dropped by 17,775 from last year, due to a decline in the overall number of students, the ministry added.
The Suneung took place at 1,257 centers across the country. To ensure the smooth operation of the nation’s biggest test of year, the government imposed traffic control and anti-noise measures.
Public and business offices opened at 10 a.m., an hour later than usual, to keep the roads free for students on their way to the test venues, and traffic was restricted within 200 meters of exam sites.
Police operated a call center to provide students with a ride, while subways and buses ran more frequently during the morning rush hour to help students reach the centers in time for the start of the test. The Suneung ran from 08:40 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Military drills were halted and flights were rescheduled to avoid take-off and landing between 1:10 p.m. and 1:40 p.m., to prevent noise interference with the English listening test.
This year was the first time the Suneung takers were able to choose between an easier A version and a more difficult B version for the Korean, English and math sections.
“(As promised) in B type, questions are about the same difficulty level as those in the previous Suneung, and we set easier questions in the A type,” said Jung Byung-hun, the head of Suneung exam board.
But due to concerns that those taking the A tests might be at a disadvantage in gaining admission to colleges, the ministry has already decided to abandon the dual-exam scheme and revert to the previous system from next year. Students will be individually notified of their test results on Nov. 27.
650,000 take annual college entrance exam
By Oh Kyu-wook
South Korea’s public offices and stock market opened an hour later than usual and airport runways entered a temporary hiatus, as more than 650,000 students took the annual college entrance exam Thursday.
This year, 650,747 high school students and graduates applied for the state-administered College Scholastic Ability Test, better known as the Suneung, according to the Ministry of Education. The number of test takers dropped by 17,775 from last year, due to a decline in the overall number of students, the ministry added.
The Suneung took place at 1,257 centers across the country. To ensure the smooth operation of the nation’s biggest test of year, the government imposed traffic control and anti-noise measures.
Public and business offices opened at 10 a.m., an hour later than usual, to keep the roads free for students on their way to the test venues, and traffic was restricted within 200 meters of exam sites.
Police operated a call center to provide students with a ride, while subways and buses ran more frequently during the morning rush hour to help students reach the centers in time for the start of the test. The Suneung ran from 08:40 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Military drills were halted and flights were rescheduled to avoid take-off and landing between 1:10 p.m. and 1:40 p.m., to prevent noise interference with the English listening test.
This year was the first time the Suneung takers were able to choose between an easier A version and a more difficult B version for the Korean, English and math sections.
“(As promised) in B type, questions are about the same difficulty level as those in the previous Suneung, and we set easier questions in the A type,” said Jung Byung-hun, the head of Suneung exam board.
But due to concerns that those taking the A tests might be at a disadvantage in gaining admission to colleges, the ministry has already decided to abandon the dual-exam scheme and revert to the previous system from next year. Students will be individually notified of their test results on Nov. 27.