삼성전자가 한 분기에 영업이익 10조원을 올리는 대기록을 달성했다.
또 분기 매출 60조원 시대도 눈앞에 뒀다.
삼성전자는 3분기 실적(연결기준)이 매출 59조원, 영업이익 10조1천억원으로 잠정 집계됐다고 4일 공시했다.
이는 사상 최대 실적을 기록한 지난 2분기(매출 57조4천600억원, 영업이익 9조5천300억원)보다 매출은 2.68%, 영업이익은 5.98% 각각 증가한 것이다. 이로써 삼성전자는 두 분기 연속 사상 최대 실적행진을 이어갔다.
영업이익률도 17.1%를 기록, 처음 17%대에 올라섰다.
삼성전자는 2010년부터 분기별 연결기준으로 실적을 발표했으며 종전 최고 영업이익률은 올 1분기의 16.6%였다.
삼성전자와 달리 영업이익률이 하향 추세인 애플은 올 4∼6월에 26.05%까지 떨어졌지만 여전히 삼성전자보다는 훨씬 높다.
삼성전자가 이날 발표한 잠정 실적은 증권사들의 전망치를 상회한 것이다. 지난달 27일 기준으로 에프앤가이드가 작성한 삼성전자의 영업이익 컨센서스는 9조9천731억원이었다.
특히 이번 잠정 실적 발표는 삼성전자에 대한 시장의 우려를 불식시킬 것으로 전망된다.
시장에서는 삼성전자의 TV사업•디스플레이사업 등의 부진과 모바일사업의 실적둔화 등을 이유로 우려를 표시했다. 실제로 증권사들은 삼성전자의 실적 전망치를 계속 하향조정했다.
삼성전자는 이달 25일 실적 확정치를 공시할 계획이다. 통상 잠정실적은 실제 확정치보다 낮게 산정되는 것을 고려하면 삼성전자의 실제 3분기 실적은 이날 발표된 잠정치보다 더 좋을 것으로 보인다.
삼성전자는 3분기에도 IM(IT•모바일) 부문이 고공행진을 이끌었을 것으로 관측된다.
또 D램 가격의 상승세에 힘입어 반도체부문의 실적도 좋았을 것으로 여겨진다.
올해 들어 3분기까지 삼성전자의 영업이익은 28조4천100억원에 달해 작년 연간 영업이익(29조500억원)에 육박했다. 매출액은 169조3천300억원으로 작년 연간 매출액(201조1천100억원)에 31조7천800억원 부족하다.
4분기에는 삼성전자의 실적이 3분기보다 더 나아질 것으로 예상된다.
9월 출시한 갤럭시 노트3 등의 판매가 본격화돼 IM부문의 실적이 개선될 것으로 전망되고, 연말이라는 계절적 특수성으로 인해 TV 판매량도 많이 늘어날 것이라는 기대가 형성돼 있다.
이에 따라 삼성전자의 올해 연간 매출은 220조∼230조원, 영업이익은 37조∼38조원대가 될 것으로 추측된다. (연합뉴스)
Samsung Electronics reaps record quarterly earnings
Galaxy Note 3 projected to drive the 4th-quarter profit to W10.5tr
Samsung Electronics reported an all-time high operating profit of 10.1 trillion won ($9.4 billion) in the third quarter powered by a rebound in its semiconductor business and a sharp rise in shipments of low-end smartphones.
According to the company’s regulatory filing Friday, its sales were estimated at 59 trillion won and operating profit at 10.1 trillion won during the July-September period. Sales went up 13 percent and operating profit rose 25 percent compared to the same period last year.
The figure surprised the market, as prominent analysts predicted that Samsung’s profit would stay below 10 trillion won because of sluggish sales in the TV and display segment and a slowdown in the mobile sector.
Industry sources credited the unexpected performance to its low-end smartphones. The rise in sales drove the operating profit of the whole mobile sector.
“The information technology & mobile business’ operating profits seem to have posted 6.6 trillion won. Though the share of overall handset sales taken up by high-end handsets went down from 42 percent to 33 percent, the operating profit of mobile sector edged up,” said Lee Min-hee, Seoul-based I’M Investment & Securities.
As for low-end smartphones like Galaxy S4 Mini or Mega, they do not have to be newly developed. They only have lower platform specifications than their higher-end equivalents, for instance, by using liquid crystal displays instead of organic light emitting diodes. The cost should thus be competitive, a source said.
Analysts predicted that Samsung Electronics shipped around 85 million smartphones in the third quarter, up 10 percent from the previous quarter.
The good result also appears to come from the rebound of its semiconductor business, with operating profits posting 2.4 trillion, a source said.
“The semiconductor segment helped to attain market dominance,” said Lee Jung, Eugene Investment & Securities. “The fire in SK Hynix’s Chinese plant in September boosted the markup of semiconductors, consequently benefiting Samsung Electronics.”
However, not all analysts are surprised by the result. Some said 10.1 trillion won figure is not a big jump from forecasts.
“I don’t think it can be considered earnings surprise,” KTB Investment & Securities’ analyst Jin Sung-hye said.
“Prior to Samsung’s estimate, the market consensus was already 9.9 trillion won. Considering the error range of 2 percent, this news is not really surprising.”
For Samsung’s fourth-quarter profit, many analysts said that it would be higher than the third quarter.
“There is no reason the fourth quarter’s operating profits should be lower. In the information technology & mobile business, the sales of Galaxy Note 3 -- which will go on sale at the end of third quarter -- will increase. DRAM and NAND cost are also likely to go up, improving Samsung’s profitability,” said Byun Han-jun, a research at KB Investment & Securities.
“TV shipments in the fourth quarter have usually risen over the past years. Demand for electronics and IT devices usually rises at the end of year due to Christmas day and Black Friday,” he said. “The profit of the fourth quarter will be around 10.5 trillion won.”
Other sources, however, said that fourth-quarter marketing costs could hold down profits.
By Shin Ji-hye
Galaxy Note 3 projected to drive the 4th-quarter profit to W10.5tr
Samsung Electronics reported an all-time high operating profit of 10.1 trillion won ($9.4 billion) in the third quarter powered by a rebound in its semiconductor business and a sharp rise in shipments of low-end smartphones.
According to the company’s regulatory filing Friday, its sales were estimated at 59 trillion won and operating profit at 10.1 trillion won during the July-September period. Sales went up 13 percent and operating profit rose 25 percent compared to the same period last year.
The figure surprised the market, as prominent analysts predicted that Samsung’s profit would stay below 10 trillion won because of sluggish sales in the TV and display segment and a slowdown in the mobile sector.
Industry sources credited the unexpected performance to its low-end smartphones. The rise in sales drove the operating profit of the whole mobile sector.
“The information technology & mobile business’ operating profits seem to have posted 6.6 trillion won. Though the share of overall handset sales taken up by high-end handsets went down from 42 percent to 33 percent, the operating profit of mobile sector edged up,” said Lee Min-hee, Seoul-based I’M Investment & Securities.
As for low-end smartphones like Galaxy S4 Mini or Mega, they do not have to be newly developed. They only have lower platform specifications than their higher-end equivalents, for instance, by using liquid crystal displays instead of organic light emitting diodes. The cost should thus be competitive, a source said.
Analysts predicted that Samsung Electronics shipped around 85 million smartphones in the third quarter, up 10 percent from the previous quarter.
The good result also appears to come from the rebound of its semiconductor business, with operating profits posting 2.4 trillion, a source said.
“The semiconductor segment helped to attain market dominance,” said Lee Jung, Eugene Investment & Securities. “The fire in SK Hynix’s Chinese plant in September boosted the markup of semiconductors, consequently benefiting Samsung Electronics.”
However, not all analysts are surprised by the result. Some said 10.1 trillion won figure is not a big jump from forecasts.
“I don’t think it can be considered earnings surprise,” KTB Investment & Securities’ analyst Jin Sung-hye said.
“Prior to Samsung’s estimate, the market consensus was already 9.9 trillion won. Considering the error range of 2 percent, this news is not really surprising.”
For Samsung’s fourth-quarter profit, many analysts said that it would be higher than the third quarter.
“There is no reason the fourth quarter’s operating profits should be lower. In the information technology & mobile business, the sales of Galaxy Note 3 -- which will go on sale at the end of third quarter -- will increase. DRAM and NAND cost are also likely to go up, improving Samsung’s profitability,” said Byun Han-jun, a research at KB Investment & Securities.
“TV shipments in the fourth quarter have usually risen over the past years. Demand for electronics and IT devices usually rises at the end of year due to Christmas day and Black Friday,” he said. “The profit of the fourth quarter will be around 10.5 trillion won.”
Other sources, however, said that fourth-quarter marketing costs could hold down profits.
By Shin Ji-hye