The Korea Herald


"北 영변 원자로 온배수 방출…재가동 증거"

By KH디지털2

Published : Oct. 3, 2013 - 18:08

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북한이 핵무기 1개 분량의 플루토늄을 생산할 수 있는 영변의 5㎿급 가스 흑연 원자로를 재가동했다는 더 많은 증거가  발견됐다고 미국 연구소가 2일(현지시간) 밝혔다.

미국 존스홉킨스대 국제관계대학원(SAIS) 산하 한미연구소가 운영하는 북한  전문 웹사이트인 '38노스'는 지난달 19일 촬영한 상업용 위성사진을 분석한 결과 원자로 냉각 시스템의 배수관에서 온배수(hot waste water)가 배출되는 것이 목격됐다고 설명했다.

온배수(溫排水)는 화력 또는 원자력 발전소에서 수증기를 냉각하는 데 사용하고나서 하천이나 바다에 방출하는 따뜻한 물을 일컫는다.

38노스의 대북 분석가인 닉 한센은 지난여름 새로 완공된 제2의 냉각 시설의 한 부품으로, 최근 설치된 배수관을 통해 이 뜨거운 폐수가 인근 구룡강으로 흘러들어 가는 것으로 나타났다고 밝혔다.

또 온배수 방출은 원자로가 가동 중이며 전기 발전기로 돌아가는 터빈이 전력을 생산하고 있다는 증거라고 주장했다.

앞서 이 웹사이트는 지난달 11일 역시 상업용 위성사진 분석을 통해 북한이 8월 하순부터 이 원자로 재가동에 들어간 것으로 보인다고 잠정 결론 내린 바 있다.

38노스는 "증기 터빈과 발전기가 들어 있는 원자로 인근 건물에서 흰색 증기가 피어오르는 것이 관측됐다"며 "증기의 색깔과 양을 볼 때 원자로가 재가동에 들어갔거나 거의 재가동 단계에 진입했음을 의미한다"고 밝혔었다.

원자로는 노심의 핵반응에서 나오는 열기를 이용해 전기를 생산하며 그  과정에서 터빈을 통해 증기가 생성되고 온배수가 배출된다.

5㎿급 원자로는 일단 가동되면 연간 핵무기 1개가량을 만들 수 있는 6㎏의 플루토늄을 생산할 수 있다.

북한은 1994년 미국과의 제네바 합의에 따라 영변의 이 흑연 원자로를 폐쇄했다가 2002년 2차 핵위기 때 합의를 깨고 재가동시켰다.

또 이후 6자회담을 통해 다시 가동을 중단하기로 합의했으며 2008년 6월 냉각탑을 폭파하는 장면을 전 세계에 생중계하기도 했다.

북한은 한반도 긴장이 고조되던 지난 4월 "우라늄 농축 공장을 비롯한 영변의 모든 핵시설과 함께 2007년 10월 6자회담 합의에 따라 가동을 중지하고 무력화했던 5㎿ 흑연감속로를 재정비, 재가동하겠다"고 밝힌 바 있다.” (연합뉴스)


More signs of reactivated N.K. reactor: think tank

Fresh evidence has surfaced to shore up speculation that North Korea has restarted a nuclear reactor to produce plutonium for bombs, a U.S. think tank said Thursday.

Satellite photos from Sept. 19 showed hot waste water being discharged into the nearby Guryong River from a recently installed drainpipe that is part of a new cooling system at the Yongbyon nuclear complex.

This indicates that “the reactor is in operation and the turbine-powered electrical generators are producing power,” said Nick Hansen of the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies on its website, 38 North.

The findings are the latest in a string of signs that the communist state has put its 5-megawatt graphite-moderated reactor back online, possibly to use as a bargaining chip in disarmament-for-aid negotiations with Washington.

In April, Pyongyang announced that it would reactivate the reactor that was shuttered and disabled under a 2007 six-party agreement involving the South, the U.S., China, Japan and Russia. The decision coincided with the North’s adoption of the so-called parallel pursuit of nuclear and economic development.

The Washington-based institute earlier studied satellite imagery from late August which showed steam coming out of a generator building at the complex, suggesting the reactivation process was in full swing. The Institute for Science and International Security said in August that the North had doubled the size of the Yongbyon plant, citing other aerial photos.

The nuclear reactor generates electricity by heating water until it becomes high-pressure steam that in turn is piped to a turbine and spins it, SAIS explained. The steam cools after passing through the turbine and condenses into hot waste water that must be removed from the turbine building. It is pumped into the drainpipe and produces white foam at the end where the hot water reaches the river bank.

South Korea has said the moves would constitute “a serious situation” and “breach of past agreements and U.N. Security Council resolutions.”

“If they did restart the reactor, they would probably attempt to use it as another card in future negotiations given repeated offers of dialogue,” a Seoul official said on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter.

Established in 1986, the reactor had been used to reprocess spent fuel rods to extract plutonium as the fissile material for Pyongyang’s atomic weapons before its 2008 destruction.

Seoul officials and experts forecast the resumption process would take about a year, which would include reerecting the cooling tower and recovering reprocessing equipment.

If fully restored, reprocessing its some 8,000 fuel rods that are used for one year could yield about 6 kilograms of plutonium, sufficient to make at least one fission bomb a year, they say.

The military-focused regime has staged three nuclear tests since 2006. Analysts predict that it already has enough plutonium for four to eight weapons, albeit crude.

After a deluge of warlike threats in the spring, the North has in recent months been seeking reconciliation with its longtime foes, calling alongside China for high-level dialogue with the U.S. and a resumption of the six-party talks that have been on hold for five years.

But Seoul and Washington remain steadfast in their demand that Pyongyang should first prove its sincerity with action.

At the U.N. General Assembly, North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Pak Kil-yon again called on Washington to scrap its “hostile policy” and return to the negotiating table. 

“(The North) remains consistent in its stand and effort to put an end to the tension on the Korean Peninsula by peaceful means through dialogue and negotiations, and contribute to ensuring peace and security in the region,” he said Tuesday.

A senior U.S. State Department official said Wednesday there is a “strong agreement” between Seoul, Washington and Tokyo that “we don’t want talks for talks’ sake” and stressed the importance of Pyongyang “demonstrating through its actions that there is more to talks than just empty promises.”

The official was speaking en route to Tokyo with Secretary of State John Kerry, who is scheduled for the so-called two-plus-two meeting on Thursday with U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and their respective Japanese counterparts, Fumio Kishida and Itsunori Onodera.

Kerry and Kishida will confer on “what that means in terms of specific steps” and “what more we need in terms of both cooperation from China in on the pressure track and what we would consider a credible threshold for North Korea on the diplomatic track,” the official said on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issue. 

By Shin Hyon-hee