서울대는 23일 이번 학기부터 만 8세 이하의 자녀가 있는 남녀 학부생과 대학원생이 최장 1년까지 육아휴학을 할 수 있게 했다고 밝혔다.
서울대는 지금까지 여학생들에게만 출산휴가를 허용해온 규정과는 별도로 남녀 학생 모두에게 육아휴학을 허용하기로 했다.
동시에, 육아휴학 기간이 일반 휴학 기간(학부 최대 3년, 석사과정 최대 2년, 박사과정 최대 3년)에는 포함되지 않도록 했다. 이는 아이를 기르는 학생들이 안정적으로 학업에 전념할 수 있도록 돕겠다는 취지다.
서울대 학사과의 한 관계자는 "출산 이후에도 육아와 학업을 병행하기가 어렵다는 ‘학생 부모’들의 목소리를 반영했다”며 “학생들이 육아로 학업에 지장을 받지 않도록 교육적 배려 차원에서 휴학 규정을 개정한 것”이라고 설명했다. (코리아 헤럴드)
<관련 영문 기사>
SNU allows male students to take paternity leave
Seoul National University said on Thursday that male students in the school can now take a leave of absence if they have a child under the age of eight.
After revising the academic regulations, the university announced that both male and female students in the bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate’s courses in SNU can take a maximum one-year leave of absence for childrearing, starting this semester.
So far, only female students could take a leave of absence for pregnancy-related issues in SNU.
The university also decided not to add maternity or paternity leave into a student’s total period of leave for other reasons.
An official in the office of academic affairs in SNU said the new measure reflected complaints from ‘student-parents’ who were having a hard time juggling studies and childcare.
From news report
SNU allows male students to take paternity leave
Seoul National University said on Thursday that male students in the school can now take a leave of absence if they have a child under the age of eight.
After revising the academic regulations, the university announced that both male and female students in the bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate’s courses in SNU can take a maximum one-year leave of absence for childrearing, starting this semester.
So far, only female students could take a leave of absence for pregnancy-related issues in SNU.
The university also decided not to add maternity or paternity leave into a student’s total period of leave for other reasons.
An official in the office of academic affairs in SNU said the new measure reflected complaints from ‘student-parents’ who were having a hard time juggling studies and childcare.
From news report