민주당 새 대표에 김한길 후보가 선출됐다. 김대표는 당선이 확정된 후 박근혜 대통령과 새누리당을 향해 정기적인 ‘여야 국정협의체’를 구성해 운영하자고 제안했다.
김한길 의원은 당 대표 수락연설을 통해 “안보와 민생현안 등의 해결을 위해 대통령과 야당 대표가 참여하는 정기적인 여야 국정협의체 구성과 운영을 박 대통령과 여당에 제안한다”고 말했다.
김 대표는 “지금 국민들의 삶은 처절하다”며 “박근혜정부 출범 이후 새로운 여야관계 정립을 위해 ‘6인회의’를 진행하고 있으나 아무런 성과도 없이 관계만 악화되고 있다”며 이같이 제안했다.
그는 “민주당은 민생을 살리기 위해 정부ㆍ여당과 초당적으로 협력할 준비가 되어 있다”면서도 “그러나 계속 국민과 야당을 무시하고 불통의 국정운영을 고수한다면 무서운 민주당, 강력한 야당의 모습을 보게 될 것”이라고 강조했다.
최고위원에는 신경민, 우원식, 양승조, 조경태 의원이 당선됐다. 지역별로는 수도권 출신이 당 대표에 선출된 가운데 최고위원은 수도권 2명, 영남 1명, 충남 1명으로 구성됐다. 민주당의 전통적인 '텃밭'인 호남 지역 인사의 지도부 진출은 무산됐다.
비주류의 김 후보가 이번 경선에서 대승을 거둔 것은 대선 패배 후 당내에 확산된 '친노 책임론'과 '세대교체론'이 당원들로부터 상당 정도 호응을 받았기 때문인 것으로 분석된다.
코리아헤럴드 최희석기자
Kim Han-gil picked to lead Democratic Party
By Choi He-suk
The main opposition party elected Rep. Kim Han-gil as the new chairman and renamed itself as the Democratic Party on Sunday, as it seeks to recover from election defeats and to grow its supporter base.
“I feel heavy responsibility for being elected with overwhelming support from the party and the public. The fact that I, who do not belong to any faction, have been elected is a symbol of big changes for the Democratic Party,” Kim said.
He added that he will remove factionalism from the party and unite its members.
Kim also called on the government to establish a negotiation group in which the president and the heads of the ruling and opposition parties take part.
“I suggest a ruling-opposition negotiation group in which the president participates. The Democratic Party is prepared to fully cooperate with the government and the ruling party if it for the livelihood of the people,” Kim said. He went on to warn that the party will show its “frightening” side of the government “ignores the people and the opposition party.”
Kim is a four-term lawmaker who is said to be a sharp strategist credited to have played vital roles in the election campaigns of former presidents Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun.
Along with the new chairman, Reps. Shin Kyoung-min, Cho Kyoung-tae, Yang Seoung-jo and Woo Won-shik were elected as members of the party’s supreme council.
Since being defeated in last year’s presidential election, the main opposition has been suffering from dropping support and factional infighting.
Being blamed for the defeat, the pro-Roh Moo-hyun faction, which has dominated not only the Democratic Party but also the progressive bloc in recent years, has been pushed into an increasingly precarious position.
The struggling party was dealt another blow in the April 24 by-elections in which it failed to win any parliamentary seats, and local administration and assembly seats.
In addition, the return of its former ally Rep. Ahn Cheol-soo has raised concerns about its future.
Although Ahn has yet to decide whether he will establish a new party, observers say that a party led by the former presidential candidate could destabilize the Democratic Party’s role as the main opposition.
The party has also been accused of abandoning progressive ideals after the party doctrine was revised.