The Korea Herald


정홍원, 박근혜 정부 첫 국무총리로 취임

By 박한나

Published : Feb. 26, 2013 - 17:30

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정홍원 국무총리 후보자가 26일 오전 서울 종로구 통의동 집무실로 출근하고 있다. (연합뉴스) 정홍원 국무총리 후보자가 26일 오전 서울 종로구 통의동 집무실로 출근하고 있다. (연합뉴스)

정홍원 국무총리 후보자에 대한 국회 임명동의안이 26일 통과됐다. 박근혜 대통령은 이날 중으로 정홍원 국무총리에 대한 임명장을 수여할 것으로 알려졌다.

인사청문특위는 보고서를 통해 “그동안의 경험과 합리적인 역사인식으로 전체적인 현안을 이해하고, 책임총리로서의 국정 수행 의지가 강하다는 점에서 새 정부 국무총리에 요청되는 기본적인 능력과 자질을 갖췄다는 평가가 있다”고 평가했다.

한편 야당은 대통령취임식이 있었던 월요일 자제했던 박근혜 대통령의 불통인사에 대한 비판을 재개했다.

정성호 대변인은 이날 국회 브리핑에서 윤창중, 김행 대변인 임명과 관련해 “박근혜 대통령이 국민과 동떨어진 자신만의 길을 가겠다고 선언한 것이 아닌지 걱정스럽다”며 “ 윤, 김 대변인은 맹목적 충성과 극단적 편향에서 벗어나지 못하면 결국 대통령과 국민을 멀어지게 하는 벽이 될 수 있다는 점을 명심하라”고 강조했다.

그는 또 “청와대 비서관 인선이 국민 앞에 투명하게 공개되고 있지 않다”며 “이는 매우 오만한 행태로 민주적으로 선출된 정권의 자세가 아니다”라고 비판했다.

정 대변인은 “국민은 인사청문 대상이 아니라 해도 청와대 고위공직자 인선에 대해서 사전검증할 권리가 있다”며 “특히 박 대통령을 지근거리에서 보좌할 총무비서관, 부속실장 등 청와대 핵심 비서관 인선이 국민과 소통 없이 진행되고 공식발표 없이 알음알음 알려지는 것은 비정상적인 불통인사의 전형”이라고 지적했다.

한편 정부조직법 개정안 협상은 난항을 이어가 내각 공백이 장기화 될 조짐이다.

현재 정부조직개편안에서 막판 쟁점은 방통위가 담당하던 IPTV(인터넷TV), 종합유선방송국(SO), 일반 채널사업자(PP), 위성방송 등 유료방송 정책의 미래부 이관 문제다.

새누리당은 방송통신 융합을 기반으로 한 ICT(정보통신기술) 산업 육성을 위해 미래창조과학부 이관을 주장하고 있다. 반면 민주당은 방송 공공성과 공정성을 훼손이 우려된다며 방송 정책의 방통위 존치를 요구하고 있다.

박기춘 원내대표는 화요일국회에서 원내대책회의를 열고 “박근혜 대통령이 브레이크를 풀어주기만 하면 원샷으로 해결될 수 있다”며 “박 대통령만 결단하면 오늘이라도 모든 문제가 풀린다”고 지적했다.

(코리아헤럴드 최희석 기자)

<관련 영문 기사>

Chung formally appointed prime minister

By Choi He-suk

The National Assembly confirmed the appointment of Chung Hong-won as prime minister on Tuesday making the former prosecutor the first endorsed member of President Park Geun-hye’s administration.

 Hours later, Park awarded him with an appointment certificate at Cheong Wa Dae.

The new president, sworn in Monday, is struggling to launch her Cabinet amid partisan feuds over her government reorganization plans and some controversial nominees accused of corruption and ethical problems.

Chung’s appointment was confirmed with 197 of the 272 votes cast at the parliament’s plenary session, with 67 opposed and eight invalidated.

Chung is a life-long law professional who began his career in 1972. Chung went on to rise to the highest level within the public prosecutors’ office before opening a law firm in 2004.

Chung also served as the chief of the Saenuri Party’s selection committee in the run up to last year’s general elections.

He formerly served as a National Election Commission committee member in 2004, and headed the Korea Legal Aid Corp. from 2008 and 2011.

He was named to the top Cabinet post on Feb. 8 and underwent a three-day confirmation hearing.

Despite criticism of his son’s suspicious exemption from the mandatory military service and privileges the former prosecutor received from a private law firm after retirement, the special confirmation committee described Chung in its report as having the “fundamental qualities and abilities” to serve as prime minister.

The report, however, also included negative views based on allegations of misdeeds that were “not fully explained due to a lack of evidence.”

A number of allegations were brought against him during the hearing.

Chung was accused of engaging in real estate speculation on two separate occasions in 1995 and 1978. Although he has denied the transactions were speculative, the confirmation report states that insufficient evidence was submitted to support Chung’s claims.

The issue of leaving out a building belonging to his wife in the civil servant assets report was also raised in the hearing.

Other allegations brought against Chung included receiving a high salary from a law firm due to his experience as a high-ranking public prosecutor.

The main opposition Democratic United Party meanwhile picked up the attack on President Park Geun-hye’s personnel selection style.

The DUP, which had kept the criticism to a minimum on Monday, honed in on the choices of Yoon Chang-jung and Kim Haing as presidential spokespeople.

“Spokespersons Yoon and Kim could become the wall that separates the president from the public if they do not move away from extreme biases,” DUP spokesman Jung Sung-ho told reporters on Tuesday. The opposition parties had criticized Yoon since his selection as the presidential transition team spokesperson last year citing the former journalist’s vehement attacks on progressive political figures. Yoon further incited criticism while serving as the transition team spokesman for actions that according to the DUP were symbolic of the “anti communication” style of Park’s personnel selection.

The DUP did not limit the criticism to Yoon, saying that the selection process for the presidential secretariat, which includes some of Park’s closest allies, was not being revealed to the public.

“Even if (posts) are not subject to confirmation hearings, the public has the right to verify high-level Cheong Wa Dae officials.”

The revised Government Organization Act also continues to float with the two main political parties deadlocked over which administrative body will be placed in charge of broadcasting-related issues.

The ruling Saenuri Party has stuck to the plans to transfer related issues to the Ministry of Future Planning and Science, which will be established if the revision is approved, from the Korea Communications Commission. The DUP has refused the plans saying that the change will damage the independence of broadcasting.

With negotiations falling apart, the DUP called on the president to take steps to resolve the situation.

“If President Park loosens the brakes, (the issue) can be resolved in one shot,” DUP floor leader Park Ki-choon said. The DUP has claimed that the Saenuri Party has been ordered by Park to keep the initial government reorganization plans intact.
