A famous restaurant in Taiwan has been revealed to be serving leftover dishes to mainland tourist groups.
The action came to light after a 14-minute video, taken by a former employee of the Baishawan restaurant in Taitung county, emerged showing leftovers being served, in an attempt to cut costs according to a report on www.chinanews.com.
The report estimated more than 10,000 tourists had eaten the leftovers.
The restaurant owner first denied the accusation, but later admitted it, blaming the decision on the restaurant’s manager, and claiming the company’s senior management knew nothing about it.
The manager has since been fired, and the owner has made a public apology.
The local health bureau has ordered the restaurant to sort out the problem, or face a potential fine of NT$60,000 to NT$6 million ($2,070 to $206,700).
The 10-year old outlet is popular among not only mainland tourists but also local residents.
(By Zheng Xin/ Chinadaily)
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대만의 한 음식점이 중국인 관광객들에게 다른 손님들이 먹다 남은 음식을 내놓은 사실이 밝혀졌다.
이 시건은 타이텅 카운티에 위치한 베이샤완 레스토랑의 전 직원이 재료비를 줄이기 위해 남은 음식을 다시 제공하는 모습을 찍은 14분 길이의 동영상을 공개하면서 붉어졌다.
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