A Louisiana man who has served about 30 years of a life sentence for raping a woman at knife point when he was 15 is now eligible for parole, a judge has ruled.
The man, Jerome Richardson of Jefferson Parish, now 46, became eligible for release under a ruling Wednesday by 24th Judicial District Court Judge Steve Windhorst.
The judge's ruling came after a new state law went into effect Aug. 1. The measure was in response to a 2010 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in a Florida case that found life sentences for juvenile offenders convicted of something other than homicide constitute cruel and unusual punishment.
There are 48 such offenders in Louisiana, The (New Orleans) Times-Picyaune reported. Richardson, who was convicted in a 1981 rape in which a friend shot and wounded the woman's companion, will get a hearing before the parole board.
After the Louisiana Legislature failed to pass a new law clarifying life sentences for juveniles in 2011, the state Supreme Court set up its own provisional statute, ordering parole hearings for any of the convicts who had turned 45 and served at least 20 years of their original sentence.
To qualify, convicts must have a clean prison disciplinary record for a year, have obtained a GED if they did not already have a high school diploma and register as sex offenders upon release, the newspaper reported. (UPI)
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성폭행범, 새 법 덕분에 자유의 몸으로...
미국 루이지애나에서 청소년 시절 한 여성을 성폭행한 죄로 종신형을 받았던 남성이 법 개정으로 인해 풀려날 수도 있게 되었다.
UPI통신은 성추행 죄로 30년째 복역중인 제롬 리처드슨은 (46)이 지방 법원 판결로 새로이 가석방 대상자가 되었다고 보도했다.
종신형을 받았던 리처드슨이 생각보다 일찍 풀려나게 된 것은 지난 8월 주(州) 발효된 새 법안 덕분이다.
주로 청소년이나 젊은 성인 범죄자들을 대상으로 하고 있는 이 법안은 45세가 된 범죄자들 중에 최소 20년 이상 복역한 범죄자는 누구든지 가석방 심사를 받을 수 있도록 하고 있다.
이 법안에 영향을 준 것은 지난 2010년 플로리다에서 일어난 사건의 판결인데, 당시 대법원은 살인범을 제외한 청소년 범죄자들이 종신형을 받는 것은 지나치게 가혹하다고 판결했다.