The Korea Herald


Gadhafi’s son, 3 generals seek asylum in Niger


Published : Sept. 14, 2011 - 19:03

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NIAMEY (AP) ― A son of Moammar Gadhafi and three of his generals were trying to gain political asylum Wednesday in this poor, landlocked nation at Libya’s feet, after a more than 1,600-kilometer drive across the vast desert that separates the two countries for what could be their only shot at refuge.

The generals are trying to pave the way for other Gadhafi supporters to follow, but one regime loyalist doubted that Gadhafi himself ever will, saying he would be comfortable enough living in the Sahara to stay there indefinitely.

“I know the Guide well, and what people don’t realize is that he could last in the desert for years,” Aghaly Alambo said, referring to Gadhafi. “He didn’t need to create a hiding place. He likes the simple life, under a tent, sitting on the sand, drinking camel’s milk. His advantage is that this was already his preferred lifestyle.”

He added, “He is guarded by a special mobile unit made up of members of his family. Those are the only people he trusts.”

Convoys carrying regime loyalists began arriving in Niger last week. The three generals, including the head of Gadhafi’s air force and two of his regional commanders, reached Niamey, the capital, overnight Monday. They were joined Tuesday by al-Saadi Gadhafi, government spokesman Marou Amadou confirmed shortly after midnight on Wednesday.

Alambo, a rebel leader from Niger who fought for Gadhafi and who led the first convoy across the desert, said the commanders were pushed to leave Libya after a total breakdown in communication with the ex-ruler. Gadhafi was last in contact with his military leaders 3 weeks ago and his whereabouts are not known, he said.

“It’s been difficult because for some time now, there’s been no communication in Libya ― especially with our Guide. Maybe it’s for his own safety. But for those of us in his entourage it’s very difficult to know where he is? How he is? What is happening?” Alambo said at his home on the edge of this arid capital. “This has created a source of destabilization for his entourage.”

The regime that Gadhafi tightly controlled for nearly 42 years unraveled once he was forced into hiding and no longer in touch with his field officers. Government officials say around 30 Libyan nationals including members of the fallen regime and their families are now in Niger.

Alambo, a member of the Tuareg ethnic group who became close to Gadhafi and is believed to have helped recruit dozens of Tuareg youths to fight during Libya’s civil war, said there is no longer any coordination between the arms of the loyalist army.

He blamed last month’s fall of Tripoli, the turning point of the civil war, on a betrayal by one of Gadhafi’s trusted commanders. He said the head of security for Tripoli had defected to the rebel camp weeks earlier, even as he continued to lead the city’s defense.

Instead of fighting, the commander ordered Gadhafi’s troops to withdraw when the rebels were in sight, then passed on the GPS coordinates of remaining loyalist positions so NATO airstrikes could take them out, Alambo said. “It was at the very last minute that we realized there was no defense ― there was nothing,” he said.

Now, Alambo said, pro-Gadhafi forces are just hoping to save themselves.