The Korea Herald


Law on board to support philanthropic donors


Published : Sept. 1, 2011 - 20:01

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The ruling Grand National Party plans to honor philanthropists and give credits for their contribution to society by supporting them in later life.

According to a bill submitted by Rep. Kim Young-sun, the government will list those who have donated more than 3 billion won ($2.7 million) to charity and treat them as “honorable donors” who can receive state support if they run into difficulty later in life.
Kim Jang-hoon Kim Jang-hoon

Among the honorable donors, those over 60 years old with less than 100 million won in total assets and no stable means of living will receive state subsidies. The rule will be applied to their family members, too. The government will also pay their medical bills and funeral fees.

The bill also requests a presidential decree for the administration to support philanthropists who have donated more than 1 billion won to charity when they fall into financial difficulties.

The plan was inspired by pop singer Kim Jang-hoon, who has reportedly donated more 8 billion won to charity and other good causes. Also one of the most active charity promoters, Kim revealed in a recent TV program that he lives in a cheap rented apartment but that he is willing to make further donations even with bank loans if he has to.

“From time to time we see people who have donated all their property to the society and then struggle with their own living. The government has promoted sharing actions but has yet come up with any realistic measures to give a momentum to the movement,” said Rep. Kim.

“Philanthropists have shared the government’s welfare policies in a way. The administration should look after their future to honor their noble deeds,” she added.

By Bae Ji-sook (