The Korea Herald


Taiwan, Philippine on tsunami alert after Japan quake

By 신용배

Published : March 11, 2011 - 16:09

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   Taiwan's central weather bureau on Friday warned people living on its east and northeast coasts to be on guard for tsunamis set off by a major quake off Japan.

  The Philippines also warned people living on its entire east coast to be on alert for the possibility of tsunamis after a major quake off Japan, the government's seismology agency

   Russia's emergency ministry issued a tsunami warning Friday for the Kuril Island chain after a powerful quake struck off Japan, officials said.

   "A potential tsunami warning is declared for the Kuril chain that includes four islands claimed by Japan," a spokeswoman for regional emergencies ministry told AFP.

   "People are being evacuated," spokeswoman Yekaterina Potvorova said. She added that the tsunami warning did not include the nearby Sakhalin Island. (AFP)