The Korea Herald


New York Times plans to move part of Hong Kong office to Seoul

By Kim Tae-eun

Published : July 15, 2020 - 15:08

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The New York Times headquarters in New York (123rf) The New York Times headquarters in New York (123rf)

The New York Times said it plans to relocate its Hong Kong-based digital news operation to Seoul, amid growing concerns over the impact of China’s national security law.

Seoul has been chosen as the location for the US paper’s digital media operation for South Korea’s openness to foreign business, freedom of press and its impact on news in Asia. By next year, one-third of its Hong Kong office will be moved to Seoul.

Hong Kong has been a desirable location to many English-language news outlets for decades due to its advantages including proximity to mainland China. However, China’s draconian security law is feared to hurt pro-democracy forces in Hong Kong and damage the city’s role as a leading media hub in Asia.

The New York Times wrote in a memo to staff on Tuesday that they would remain deeply invested in Hong Kong while beginning to diversify editing staff around the region.

It remains to be seen where other international media that run operations in Hong Kong may relocate their reporters and staff members, as Hong Kong is widely expected to pose serious problems for international journalists in terms of freedom of expression due to China’s tight grip on the media.

By Kim Tae-eun (