The Korea Herald


Trump wants 'real deal' with N. Korea: Bolton

By Yonhap

Published : May 9, 2018 - 10:11

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WASHINGTON -- US President Donald Trump wants a "real" nuclear deal with North Korea, a message that was sent in his withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, his top national security aide said Tuesday.

Trump announced the same day that he would be pulling the US out of an international agreement to curb Iran's nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief.

"It will have implications not simply for Iran but for the forthcoming meeting with Kim Jong-un of North Korea," US National Security Adviser John Bolton told reporters. "It sends a very clear signal that the United States will not accept inadequate deals, as the president said."

US National Security Adviser John Bolton (AFP) US National Security Adviser John Bolton (AFP)

Trump and North Korean leader Kim are expected to meet in late May or early June to discuss the denuclearization of the regime.

To prepare for the summit, Trump on Tuesday dispatched his secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, to Pyongyang for the second time in just over a month.

"I think the message to North Korea is the president wants a real deal; that what we're asking for, what Secretary Pompeo will be discussing with people in North Korea when he arrives there in further preparation for the meeting with Kim Jong-un is -- in part, rests on what North Korea itself agreed to going back to the 1992 joint North-South denuclearization declaration," Bolton said.

That declaration called for the "elimination of both the front and the backend of the nuclear fuel cycle; no uranium enrichment; no plutonium reprocessing," he said. "There are other things we'll be asking for as well."

The Iran deal, according to Bolton, failed to eliminate the threat of nuclear proliferation.

"A deal that we hope to reach, the president is optimistic we can reach with North Korea, will address all those issues," he said. (Yonhap)