The Korea Herald


Woman gets 1-year term for murdering her new-born baby

By 황장진

Published : July 26, 2011 - 11:53

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A woman was sentenced to one year in prison on Tuesday for suffocating her unwanted baby right after birth. 

The 26-year-old, whose name was not released, delivered a baby boy at a toilet in her factory in Icheon, Gyeonggi Province in February. Soon after the birth, the woman stuffed toilet paper into his mouth.

The accused “actively murdered the infant,” a judge at Gwangju District Court said.

“The crime is very grave. It is unclear whether she sincerely regrets her act or even feels any guilt.” 

The woman conceived the child with her boyfriend, but was ashamed of being an unmarried mother and anxious about her future.

By Kang Yoon-seung
Intern reporter

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A씨는 지난 2월 14일 오전 8시께 경기도 이천시 자신이 일하는 공장 화장실 좌변기에서 남자 아이를 낳고 입에 휴지를 넣어 숨지게 한 혐의로 기소됐다.

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