미용은 단지 美를 위해서만 존재하는 것이 아니다. 외신에 따르면 생명의 살릴 수 있는 행동이기도 하다.
동물보호시설에 맡겨진 동물들은 정해진 기간 동안에 입양이 되지 않으면 안락사를 통해 죽음을 맞이해야 하는데, 찰리도 그 중 하나였다.
찰리는 길가에서 발견되어 LA에 있는 동물보호시설에 맡겨졌다. 그 동물보호시설에 있는 대부분의 동물들은 빠른 시간 내에 새 주인이 찾아오지 않으면 죽어야할 운명이다.
발견 당시의 찰리는 지저분하고 긴 털을 가지고 있었지만 “할리우드 그루밍”이라는 그루밍 전문 가게에서 털을 깎은 후에 전혀 다른 모습이 되었다.
이러한 모습의 변화 때문에 찰리는 털을 깍은지 단 이틀 만에 새 가정으로 입양되었다.
(코리아헤럴드 조한나 인턴기자 hnncho@heraldcorp.com)
(사진 출처: 유투브 캡쳐)
<관련 영문 기사>
A makeover that can save a life
A makeover not only can lead to a beauty transformation but can also save a life, according to The Huffington Post.
Many dogs in animal shelters are put to sleep if they aren’t adopted within a certain amount of time. Charlie was faced with this possibility.
The dog was found on the side of a road and brought to a Los Angeles shelter where dogs must be adopted within a period short time. Speed was everything at the shelter.
Charlie, who had long dirty hair when he was found got a makeover from Hollywood Grooming, a family-owned grooming company for pets.
Only two days after his huge makeover, Charlie was adopted.
By Cho Han-na, Intern reporter (hnncho@heraldcorp.com)
A makeover not only can lead to a beauty transformation but can also save a life, according to The Huffington Post.
Many dogs in animal shelters are put to sleep if they aren’t adopted within a certain amount of time. Charlie was faced with this possibility.
The dog was found on the side of a road and brought to a Los Angeles shelter where dogs must be adopted within a period short time. Speed was everything at the shelter.
Charlie, who had long dirty hair when he was found got a makeover from Hollywood Grooming, a family-owned grooming company for pets.
Only two days after his huge makeover, Charlie was adopted.
By Cho Han-na, Intern reporter (hnncho@heraldcorp.com)