비엔나의 시장 산드라 프라우엔베르게르(Sandra Frauenberger)는 스위스 취리히의 드라이브인 매춘업소를 모델로 한 매춘업소를 고려하고 있다고 현지 언론에 밝혔다. 이는 비엔나의 플로리드스도르프(Floridsdorf)와 리징(Liesing) 부근의 매춘을 합법화 시키려는 시도라고 한다.
시에 의해 주거지역에서 추방된 직업여성들은 이후 자신들이 이용할 화장실, 이동수단, 그리고 호텔에 접근할 방법이 없어졌다며 그동안 불만을 제기해왔다.
비엔나 시장은 곧 있을 경찰과 시민단체가 함께하는 회의에 이 안건을 올릴 계획이라고 전했다.
(사진 출처: 유투브 캡쳐)
<관련 영문기사>
Vienna mulls 'sex drive-in' for prostitutes
City officials in the Austrian capital are considering a drive-in brothel with "sex boxes" to get prostitutes off of street corners.
Vienna City Councilor Sandra Frauenberger told the Die Presse newspaper said she wants the city to consider a model similar to the "sex drive-in" in Zurich, Switzerland, as a means of addressing the complaints of legally-operating prostitutes in Vienna's Floridsdorf and Liesing neighborhoods.
Prostitutes, relegated to those areas by the city to keep them away from residential neighborhoods, have complained they lack access to bathrooms, transportation and hotels where rooms can be rented by the hour.
Zurich introduced its first "sex drive-in" in August 2013 to provide a safe place for the city's prostitutes to ply their trade in wooden "sex boxes." The brothel requires only that the prostitutes obtain permits and pay taxes.
Frauenberger said she plans to raise the issue at the next steering group meeting on prostitution with police and non-governmental organizations(UPI).
Vienna mulls 'sex drive-in' for prostitutes
City officials in the Austrian capital are considering a drive-in brothel with "sex boxes" to get prostitutes off of street corners.
Vienna City Councilor Sandra Frauenberger told the Die Presse newspaper said she wants the city to consider a model similar to the "sex drive-in" in Zurich, Switzerland, as a means of addressing the complaints of legally-operating prostitutes in Vienna's Floridsdorf and Liesing neighborhoods.
Prostitutes, relegated to those areas by the city to keep them away from residential neighborhoods, have complained they lack access to bathrooms, transportation and hotels where rooms can be rented by the hour.
Zurich introduced its first "sex drive-in" in August 2013 to provide a safe place for the city's prostitutes to ply their trade in wooden "sex boxes." The brothel requires only that the prostitutes obtain permits and pay taxes.
Frauenberger said she plans to raise the issue at the next steering group meeting on prostitution with police and non-governmental organizations(UPI).