The Korea Herald


정부조직법 막판 협상 또 불발

By 최희석

Published : March 3, 2013 - 17:03

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정부조직 개편안 협상을 재개하기 위한 여야 원내대표 회동이 3일 오전 국회에서 열렸다. 회동에 앞서 새누리당 이한구 원내대표와 김기현 원내수석부대표가 이야기를 나누고 있다. (연합) 정부조직 개편안 협상을 재개하기 위한 여야 원내대표 회동이 3일 오전 국회에서 열렸다. 회동에 앞서 새누리당 이한구 원내대표와 김기현 원내수석부대표가 이야기를 나누고 있다. (연합)

여야의 정부조직법 개정안합의 실패에 따라 박근혜 대통령이 제안한 여-야-청 3자 회동도 불발되었다.

새누리당 이한구 원내대표와 민주통합당 박기춘 원내대표는 3일 오전 국회에서 난항을 겪고 있는 정부조직법 개정안을 놓고 막판 협상을 벌였으나 합의에 실패했다.

박 원내대표는 이날 “협상은 마무리 됐지만 합의에 이르지는 못했다”고 밝혔다.

민주당은 또 3일 미래창조과학부 신설을 제외한 나머지 정부조직법 개정안 일체를 우선 처리하자고 새누리당에 제안했으나 김기현 새누리당 수석원내부대표는 문자 메시지를 통해 이러한 제안은 처음이 아닐 뿐 아니라 이미 여당이 거부한 사항이라고 밝혔다.

이에 따라 이날 오후 2시 정부조직법 개정안 국회 처리 문제 처리를 놓고 열릴 예정이었던 박근혜 대통령과 여야 지도부 청와대 회동이 불발됐다.

여야는IPTV, 종합유선방송사업자, 일반채널사업자, 위성방송 등 비보도 방송 분야의 미래창조과학부 이관 문제를 놓고 협상을 벌여왔다.

민주당은 최근 IPTV 인허가권과 법령 제•개정권은 방송통신위원회에 남겨두고 IPTV 진흥업무를 미래부로 이관하는 양보안을 제시하기도 했지만 청와대와 새누리당은 “민주당 수정안대로 하면 사실상 미래부가 존재할 이유가 없어진다”며 원안 고수 방침을 거듭 강조해왔다.

어제 여야 원내대표회담이 성과 없이 끝나자 이남기 청와대 홍보수석은 박대통령의 야당의 3자 회담 거부에 유감의사를 전하면 민주당의 협조를 거듭 촉구했다.

이남기수석은 “임시국회 끝나면 정부 정상출범 언제 될지 모르는 엄정하고 위험한 상황”이라며 민주당에게 “대승적 차원”의 협조를 촉구했다.

앞서 김행 청와대 대변인은 일요일 오전 브리핑에서 방송관련 업무를 미래부에 이관 필요성을 강조하면 야당의 정부의 방송장악 주장을 일축했다.

<관련 영문 기사>

Park fails to break deadlock

The floor leaders of the ruling Saenuri Party and main opposition Democratic United Party still failed to find common ground regarding the government reorganization plans on Sunday. With the parties failing to narrow differences, the three-way meeting between the parties’ leaders and President Park Geun-hye also fell apart.

“As an agreement was not reached, it is difficult to go (to the proposed meeting with the president),” DUP floor leader Park Ki-choon told reporters after the inter-party meeting.

Park added minor issues in the parties’ differences have been resolved and that the two sides will continue negotiations through the deputy floor leaders.

The DUP floor leader also revealed that he suggested handling the issue of establishing the Ministry of Future Planning and Science separately from the rest of the government reorganization plans.

“We call on (the Saenuri Party and the government) to accept the opposition’s suggestion, rather than being tied up about creative economy that exists in the notebook,” Rep. Park said referring to the president’s notebook, in which she is said to keep her ideas.

The Saenuri Party, however, quickly refused the suggestion, saying that it was not the first time such plans were put forward by the DUP.

The two mainstream parties have been wrangling over which government body will be put in charge of matters regarding IPTV, cable system operators and program providers.

Under the government reorganization planned by the Park Geun-hye administration, the Ministry of Future Planning and Science will oversee all related policies and regulations.

The DUP has argued that the Korea Communications Commission should retain authority over such matters as putting them under the control of a ministry, which is headed by a single individual, could damage the integrity of broadcast media. In contrast to ministries, the KCC’s leadership consists of a chairman, vice chair and three standing commissioners.

Following several rounds of talks, during which a number of compromise plans were put forward by both sides, the DUP has suggested giving the KCC authority to issue licenses and to draw up acts and revisions, while giving the Science Ministry authority over IPTV-related issues.

The presidential office and the ruling party, however, have rejected the idea, saying that the DUP’s plan would “remove the reason for the Ministry of Future Planning and Science to exist.”

“It is unclear when the government can be properly launched if the extraordinary session of the National Assembly is over. It is a grave and dangerous situation,” said Lee Nam-ki, senior presidential secretary for public affairs, following the Saenuri-DUP floor leaders’ meeting. He added that by refusing to meeting with the president, the opposition party is disregarding the purpose for which the parliament and the government exist.

“The government and the president will try to resolve the issue quickly by communicating continuously. We ask the DUP to help in allowing the issue to be resolved.”

Lee’s announcement echoed that of presidential spokeswoman Kim Haing earlier in the day when she called for the revised Government Organization Act to be processed before the parliamentary session ends on Tuesday.

In the briefing, Kim stressed the need for the Science Ministry to be put in change of broadcasting-related issues, saying that separating telecommunications and broadcasting was pointless.

“Cable TV, IPTV and satellite broadcasting are like a highway for quickly distributing hallyu (Korean cultural wave) and other content. This road must be built well from the planning stage for the ICT industry to grow, to create jobs for the young and lead to advancement,” Kim said. 

 By Choi Hee-suk (