The Korea Herald


朴대통령 취임 "국민행복시대 열겠다"

By 박한나

Published : Feb. 25, 2013 - 17:59

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박근혜 제18대 대통령이 25일 국회에서 열린 취임식에서 취임사를 하고 있다. (박해묵 기자/ 코리아헤럴드) 박근혜 제18대 대통령이 25일 국회에서 열린 취임식에서 취임사를 하고 있다. (박해묵 기자/ 코리아헤럴드)

박근혜 대통령은 25일 취임식을 갖고 창조경제와 확대된 복지를 약속함과 동시에 북한의 비핵화와 신뢰프로세스를 촉구하며 제18대 대통령에 공식 취임했다.

박 대통령은 7만여명의 국내외 귀빈과 일반국민이 참석한 가운데 “대한민국의 대통령으로서 국민 여러분의 뜻에 부응하여 경제부흥과 국민행복, 문화융성을 이뤄낼 것이다”라고 말했다.

국회 앞마당에서 열린 취임식에서 박 대통령은 총 19번 “행복”을 거론하며 20여분 동안 국제경제 위기 속에서의 경제 부흥과 악화된 북핵을 통한 높아진 안보위기에서의 타계를 약속했다.

박 대통령은 북한의 3차 핵실험에 대해 “민족의 생존과 미래에 대한 도전이며 그 최대 피해자는 바로 북한이 될 것이라는 점을 분명히 인식해야 할 것”이라며 “북한은 하루빨리 핵을 내려놓고 평화와 공동발전의 길로 나오기 바란다”고 촉구했다.

또한 “현재 우리가 처한 안보상황이 너무도 엄중하지만 여기에만 머물 수는 없다”며 “북한이 국제사회의 규범을 준수하고 올바른 선택을 해 ‘한반도 신뢰 프로세스’가 진전될 수 있기를 바란다. 확실한 억지력을 바탕으로 남북간에 신뢰를 쌓기 위해 한걸음 한걸음 나아가겠다”고 강조했다.

박 대통령은 이날 0시를 기해 이명박 전 대통령으로부터 군통수권 등 대통령으로서의 모든 법적 권한을 인수받은 뒤 핫라인을 통해 정승조 합참의장에게 전화를 걸어 대북 감시ㆍ경계태세를 점검하는 등 업무를 개시했다.

박 대통령은 취임사에서 ‘경제부흥’과 관련, “경제부흥을 이루기 위해 창조경제와 경제민주화를 추진해가겠다”며 일자리 창출과 성장에 방점을 둔 창조경제와 공정시장이 핵심인 ‘경제민주화’를 동시 추진할 것임을 분명히 하며 “창조경제는 과학기술과 산업, 문화와 산업이 융합하고, 산업간의 벽을 허문 경계선에 창조의 꽃을 피우는 것“이라고 밝혔다.

경제민주화에 대해서는 ”공정한 시장질서가 확립돼야만 국민 모두가 희망을 갖고 땀 흘려 일할 수 있다“며 ”소상공인과 중소기업을 좌절하게 하는 각종 불공정행위를 근절하고 과거의 잘못된 관행을 고치겠다“고 말했다.

박 대통령은 여성과 장애인 등 모두가 안전함을 느끼는 사회를 구현하겠다고 밝히는 한편 ”우리 사회를 학벌 위주에서 능력위주로 바꾸겠다“고 약속했다.

이에 앞서 박 대통령은 오전 삼성동 자택을 떠나 국립현충원을 참배했다.

취임식에는 이명박 전 대통령 등 전직대통령과 3부 요인을 비롯해 톰 도닐런 백악관 국가안보보좌관을 단장으로 하는 미국 특사단, 류옌둥 중국 공산당 정치국 위원, 아소 다로 일본 부총리 겸 재무상, 빅토르 이샤예프 러시아 부총리 겸 극동개발부 장관 등 외국의 주요 경축사절이 참석했다.

박 대통령은 이후 붉은색 한복으로 갈아입고 광화문에서의 시민대표들과의 행사에 참여한 뒤 오후 1시 15분경 청와대에 입성했다.

오후에는 방한한 각국 정상과 사절들과의 접견을 갖고 저녁에는 귀빈들과 함께 환영 만찬을 가짐으로서 청와대에서의 첫 하루를 마무리했다.

양당 또한 공세를 자제하며 신임 대통령의 취임을 축하했다.

새누리당은 25일 제18대 박근혜 대통령의 취임을 축하하면서 새 정부 출범과 함께 국민에게 했던 약속을 성실하게 실천해줄 것을 당부했다.

이상일 새누리당 대변인은 논평을 통해 ”박 대통령이 국정운영 과정에서 각종 위기를 극복하려면 국민적 에너지를 하나로 모으는 것이 중요하다“면서 ”국민의 목소리를 경청하고, 야당의 의견도 소중하게 생각하는 열린 자세로 국정을 운영하는 것이 필요하다“고 강조했다.

민주통합당의 정성호 대변인은 서면 브리핑에서 ”대한민국과 국민의 미래를 위해 박근혜 정부의 성공을 진심으로 기원하며 이를 위해 협력할 것“이라고 밝혔다.

(코리아헤럴드 이주희 기자)

<관련 영문 기사>

Park takes office with promises of prosperity, warnings against N.K.

Park Geun-hye took oath to become Korea’s 18th president Monday, pledging to better people’s lives through a creative economy and expanded welfare, and urging North Korea to discard its nuclear ambition and join the trust-building process for peace.

“As President of the Republic of Korea, I will live up to the will of the people by achieving economic rejuvenation, the happiness of the people, and the flourishing of our culture,” Park said before some 70,000 attendants including former presidents, politicians, delegates and dignitaries at the inauguration ceremony held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul.

She placed public well-being at the center of her address, using the word “happiness” a total of 19 times. Park also called for the people’s support for the new government in its efforts to revive the economy through the global doldrums and tackling security challenges from North Korea, which conducted its third nuclear test on Feb. 12.

“I will usher in a new era of hope whereby the happiness of each citizen becomes the bedrock of our nation’s strength which in turn is shared by and benefits all Koreans,” she said.

Park’s government launches on a shaky ground, with political clashes delaying the approval of her government overhaul plans and top-post nominees.

Her approval rating is at a record low of below 50 percent as she faces criticism for being uncommunicative and backtracking on her earlier pledge for economic democratization.

Donning an olive green jacket and a lavender scarf, Park waved to the cheering crowd as she arrived at the ceremony at 11 a.m., where a series of cultural events were held to liven up the mood. Outgoing President Lee Myung-bak and first lady Kim Yoon-ok welcomed Park to the stage, joined by invited guests including U.S. National Security Advisor Tom Donilon and Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

North Korea’s increasing threat figured prominently in her 20-minute address.

“North Korea’s recent nuclear test is a challenge to the survival and future of the Korean people, and there should be no mistake that the biggest victim will be none other than North Korea itself,” she said.

The new president reaffirmed her commitment to the trust-building process, stating she will move forward step by step on the basis of credible deterrence to build trust between the South and the North.

“Trust can be built through dialogue and by honoring promises that have already been made. It is my hope that North Korea will abide by international norms and make the right choice so that the trust-building process on the Korean Peninsula can move forward.”

Park also emphasized the importance of enhanced diplomacy with the region’s major players to ease tension and conflicts including the U.S., China, Japan, Russia and other Asian and Oceanic countries.

The daughter of former iron-fisted ruler Park Chung-hee became the country’s first female president after winning the December election against Democratic United Party candidate Moon Jae-in with 52 percent of the votes.

Park’s campaign on national unity and economic democratization was seen to have gathered the votes of moderates and conservatives but also exposed the aggravated ideological division.

Park took over as commander-in-chief of the country’s armed forces at midnight Sunday, which was celebrated by the striking of the Boshingak bell in central Seoul.

In her first morning as president, Park left her home in Samseong-dong, southern Seoul, as residents clapped on, and gifted her with a puppy to join her at Cheong Wa Dae. Park then paid tribute at the national cemetery.

In her inauguration speech, Park assured to uphold her pledges for economic revival through creative economy and economic democratization.

A creative economy is defined by the convergence of science and technology with industry, the fusion of culture with industry, and the blossoming of creativity in the very borders that were once permeated by barriers.”

She vowed to raise the country’s science and technology to world-class levels such as by mobilizing the new Ministry of Future Planning and Science, and to go beyond the rudimentary expansion of existing markets to create new markets and new jobs.

For economic democratization centered on fair market, Park promised to implement policies to strengthen small and medium-sized businesses and root out unfair practices in the market.

Tailored welfare and improved education were also promised to “transform our society from one that stresses academic credentials to one that is merit-based so that each individual’s dreams and flair can bear fruit.”

Park promised a safe society for women and the disabled, as well as fair laws for the underprivileged and transparent administration.

“I will earn the trust of the people by ensuring that our government remains clean, transparent and competent. I will endeavor to shed popular distrust of government and strive to elevate the capital of trust.”

Political parties set aside their wrangling over Park’s government reorganization plans, and welcomed the new administration.

“In order for Park to overcome various crises in the state administration, it is crucial to gather the people’s energy into one. It is necessary to maintain an open mind to listen to the voice of the people and cherish the views of the opposition parties,” the ruling Saenuri Party said in a statement.

The DUP also congratulated Park and said in a statement, “We sincerely hope for the success of the Park Geun-hye government for sake of the future of the Republic of Korea and the people, and we will offer our cooperation for that purpose.”

Following the inauguration, Park, dressed in a red and blue hanbok (traditional gown), attended a ceremony at Gwanghwamun joined by selected citizens.

Reading out some of the messages addressed to her one by one, Park said she will exert her efforts throughout her tenure to solve the problems related to irregular workers.

At around 1:15 p.m., Park arrived at Cheong Wa Dae where the presidential staff formed a line outside to welcome her, as she made her return to the presidential house 33 years after her departure as the first child of an assassinated president.

In the afternoon, Park made an official appointment confirmation of her prime minister Chung Hong-won and the top presidential secretaries before meeting with the visiting foreign envoys including Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso and Chinese State Councilor Liu Yandong.

Park capped off her first official presidential schedule with a celebratory dinner inviting key politicians and dignitaries.

By Lee Joo-hee
