청와대가 4일 박근혜 정권의 국정철학을 반영한 국정 비전과 국정 기조를 발표하면서 정권의 공식 명칭인 ‘박근혜정부’를 붙여서 써야 한다고 명시했다.
김행 청와대 대변인은 이날 “박근혜정부는 고유명사”라면서 한 단어이기 때문에 ‘박근혜’와 ‘정부’를 붙여 써야 한다고 말했다. 김 대변인은 이와 관련해 국립국어원에 감수를 받았다고 전했다.
김 대변인은 이 자리에서 박정부의 국정비전이 ‘희망의 새 시대’이며, ‘경제부흥’, ‘국민행복’, ‘문화융성’, ‘평화통일 기반 구축’이 4대 국정기조라고 발표했다.
정부 측에서 정권 명칭에 대해 띄어쓰기까지 지적한 것은 처음인 것으로 알려졌다. 네티즌들은 이러한 행보에 대해 트위터를 통해 ‘황당하다’는 반응을 보였다.
한 트위터 유저는 “박근혜 정권은 시작하자마자 XX인데, 이리 한가로울 수도 있군요”라고 적었다. 또 다른 유저는 “어지간히 할일 없는 모양. 일 좀 하라”면서 북한이 연일 위협을 하고 있는 가운데 띄어쓰기를 지적하는 정부를 비판했다.
한편 ‘박근혜정부’란 명칭 자체에 의문을 표하는 네티즌도 있었다. 한 트위터 유저는 “우리나라 정부는 언제나 대한민국 정부일 뿐”이라면서, 미국의 경우에도 자국의 행정부를 Obama administration(행정부)라고 하지 Obama Government라고 하지 않는다고 지적했다. (코리아헤럴드 윤민식)
<관련 영문 기사>
Park administration advices word spacing for its name
Cheong Wa Dae on Thursday announced the “proper word spacing” for President Park’s administration.
“BakgeunhyeJeongbu (Park Geun-hye Government) should be spelled out as one word, not Bakgeunhye (Park Geun-hye), space and then Jeongbu(Government),” presidential spokeswoman Kim Haing told a group of reporters Thursday. The Park Geun-hye government is the official title of Park administration.
She explained that the National Institute of the Korean Language confirmed that BakgeunhyeJeongbu is a proper noun and thus be spelled as one word.
The clarification took place while the presidential office announced its prospects and basis of governance.
According to Kim, Park administration’s seeks to build “a new world of hope (Sae sidae),” and its four bases are “economic recovery (GyeongjaeBuheung),” “happiness of people (Gukminhangbok),” “prospering culture (Munhwayungseong),” and “building a foundation for peaceful reunification (Pyeonghwatongil Giban Guchuk).”
Sae sidae should be spelled as two words, Sa (new) Sidae (world); Pyeonghwatongil should be spelled as one word and, and Pyeonghwatongil Giban Guchuk is spelled as two word.
This is the first time in history that a presidential office has clarified the appropriate word spacing for its name. The move prompted series of negative responses from online.
“Spokeswoman Kim teaching Korean? Wow, they must have NOTHING better to do,” scoffed one Twitter user.
“That’s what you’re concerned about? North Korea’s threatening us. Do your job, for God’s sake!” another user added.
One Twitter user even expressed his confusion at the name “Park Geun-hye Government.”
“Shouldn’t it be called Korean government instead of Park Geun-hye Government? In U.S. they say ‘U.S. government,’ and ‘Obama administration.’ It’s weird that we put president’s name in front of government.”
By Yoon Min-sik
Park administration advices word spacing for its name
Cheong Wa Dae on Thursday announced the “proper word spacing” for President Park’s administration.
“BakgeunhyeJeongbu (Park Geun-hye Government) should be spelled out as one word, not Bakgeunhye (Park Geun-hye), space and then Jeongbu(Government),” presidential spokeswoman Kim Haing told a group of reporters Thursday. The Park Geun-hye government is the official title of Park administration.
She explained that the National Institute of the Korean Language confirmed that BakgeunhyeJeongbu is a proper noun and thus be spelled as one word.
The clarification took place while the presidential office announced its prospects and basis of governance.
According to Kim, Park administration’s seeks to build “a new world of hope (Sae sidae),” and its four bases are “economic recovery (GyeongjaeBuheung),” “happiness of people (Gukminhangbok),” “prospering culture (Munhwayungseong),” and “building a foundation for peaceful reunification (Pyeonghwatongil Giban Guchuk).”
Sae sidae should be spelled as two words, Sa (new) Sidae (world); Pyeonghwatongil should be spelled as one word and, and Pyeonghwatongil Giban Guchuk is spelled as two word.
This is the first time in history that a presidential office has clarified the appropriate word spacing for its name. The move prompted series of negative responses from online.
“Spokeswoman Kim teaching Korean? Wow, they must have NOTHING better to do,” scoffed one Twitter user.
“That’s what you’re concerned about? North Korea’s threatening us. Do your job, for God’s sake!” another user added.
One Twitter user even expressed his confusion at the name “Park Geun-hye Government.”
“Shouldn’t it be called Korean government instead of Park Geun-hye Government? In U.S. they say ‘U.S. government,’ and ‘Obama administration.’ It’s weird that we put president’s name in front of government.”
By Yoon Min-sik