박근혜 대통령이 5일(이하 현지시간)부터 10일까지 엿새동안 진행하는 취임후 첫 미국방문의 핵심은 북한 문제 해결을 위한 한미간 공조와 양국동맹의 격상에 초점을 맞추고 있다.
제3차 핵실험 이후 점증하는 북한의 위협으로 불거진 한반도 안보위기과 북한 비핵화의 해법을 한미간 '콘크리트 공조'로 마련하는 동시에, 박 대통령의 대북기조 인 '한반도 신뢰프로세스'에 대한 버락 오바마 대통령의 이해와 지지를 구해 우리 정부 주도의 대북정책을 펼쳐나가겠다는 복안이다.
특히 올해로 60주년을 맞은 한미 동맹을 지금의 포괄적 전략동맹에서 북한 문제를 넘어 외교안보 전반과, 기후환경, 원전 문제 등을 포괄적으로 다루는 '글로벌 파트너십'으로 격상시키겠다는 것이 이번 회담의 핵심의제 중 하나로 꼽힌다.
무엇보다 이번 한미 정상회담은 박근혜 정부와 버락 오바마 2기 행정부가 출범한 이후 처음 개최되는 회담이라는 점에서 향후 4년간 대북 정책 등에서 손발을 맞추기 위한 신뢰쌓기의 장(場)이 될 것으로 보인다.
북한의 도발위협을 잠재우고 개성공단 잠정폐쇄 사태로 악화된 한반도 상황의 반전을 위해서는 한미간 공조가 가장 중요하다는 점에 두 정상이 인식의 공감대를 마련하는 것이 그 출발선이라는게 전문가들의 진단이다.
주철기 청와대 외교안보수석이 이날 뉴욕 브리핑에서 "엄중한 한반도 상황에서 북한 핵문제와 북한 문제 전반에 대한 공조와 협력을 강화해 북한 핵의 제거를 달성 하고 한반도 신뢰프로세스, 동북아 평화협력구상 등 우리가 펼쳐나갈 주요 정책에 대한 미국측의 이해와 지지를 확보하는 계기가 될 것"이라고 말한 것도 이런 맥락이 다.
또한 한미 양측은 이번 회담을 통해서 60주년을 맞은 동맹의 위상을 한단계 끌어올려야 한다는데 이미 물밑 공감대를 형성한 것으로 전해졌다. 양국이 안보 동맹 의 차원을 넘어 외교와 경제, 환경 등 각 분야에서 협력의 지평을 확대하는 내용의 '동맹 60주년 기념선언'을 도출하는데 합의를 이뤄낸 것은 포괄적 전략동맹을 넘어선 '글로벌 파트너십'의 구축을 위한 토대가 될 것으로 기대된다.
박 대통령은 지난달 24일 언론사 편집ㆍ보도국장 오찬간담회에서 "지난 60년간 한미 동맹이 서로에게, 또 우리나라의 발전과 안정, 번영에 어떤 역할을 했는지를 돌아보면서 앞으로 새로운 방향으로 동맹이 발전하는 비전도 제시할 수 있다"고 언급한 바 있다.
이번 방미에 대한 정부내 코드명이 '새시대'(New Era)로 정해진 것도 한미 동맹 의 업그레이드를 시사하고 있다. 주철기 수석은 "이번 방미가 60주년을 맞는 한미 동맹의 새시대를 여는 성공적인 첫걸음이 되기를 바라는 뜻을 담고 있다고 할 수 있다"고 말했다.
이와 관련, 청와대는 지역 및 범세계적 문제에 대한 협력 강화라는 측면을 강조 하고 있다.
지역 및 범세계적 문제에 대한 협력 강화의 측면에서는 박 대통령이 추진하는 '동북아 평화협력구상'이나 미국이 주도적으로 제안하고 있는 '환태평양경제동반자협 정'(TPPA)에 대해 상호간 협력 방안이 논의될 수 있을 것으로 보인다.
이와 함께 기후변화 대등 등 비정치적이지만 글로벌한 문제에 있어서도 양국은 리더그룹에 있는 국가로서 적극적 역할을 수행한다는데 공감할 것으로 관측된다.
<관련 영문 기사>
Park embarks on U.S. visit
By Lee Joo-hee
Korea Herald correspondent
NEW YORK -- President Park Geun-hye arrived in New York on Sunday (early Monday Korean time) on the first leg of her first overseas tour in the U.S.
Her agenda includes summit talks with U.S. President Barack Obama to send a united message on North Korea, regional cooperation and a reinforced Seoul-Washington alliance.
The two presidents are expected to adopt a joint declaration marking the 60th anniversary of the two countries’ alliance upon their first official summit meeting on Wednesday.
Park and Obama are likely to express fortified cooperation between Seoul and Washington to send stronger warning against North Korea’s provocation and nuclear threats.
Park is also expected to urge the U.S.’ support for her trust-building efforts with the North and Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative, resemblant of Europe’s Helsinki process of the 1970s.
Park remains committed to these visions for peninsular peace and regional security, aides said, despite criticism that it was out of tune with current developments.
“The two countries are preparing a joint declaration commemorative of the alliance’s 60th anniversary about the direction of the two countries’ future development,” presidential spokesman Yoon Chang-jung said Friday.
“The declaration will go beyond the future vision of the alliance announced in 2009, and will include core factors about the two countries’ future direction that foresees the next several decades,” he said.
The two leaders are likely to reaffirm their tight-knit cooperation on regional matters including security, the economy and climate change on the comprehensive strategic alliance for a “global partnership.”
Sources said Park and Obama will express stern opposition to Pyongyang’s recent acts of belligerence including its missile threats and the shutdown of Gaeseong industrial park.
Another key purpose of the trip is to reassure American investors of the stability of the Korean market, which suffered heightened anxieties over North Korea’s threats of a military attack.
A record number of conglomerate owners including Samsung Group chairman Lee Kun-hee are accompanying Park to attend meetings arranged with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington.
A company representing Korean businesses operating in the Gaeseong industrial complex is also joining the business delegation, presenting an opportunity to explain the position of the South Korean side of the suspension of the symbolic inter-Korean project. The Gaeseong industrial complex has been suspended since the North pulled out all of its workers. This was followed by a slow withdrawal of all remaining South staff in the border town.
In New York, Park is set to meet Korean-Americans, before meeting with U.N. secretary-general Ban Ki-moon and other South Korean employees in the U.N.
Park will then move to Washington and pay tribute to the Korean War veterans at the Arlington National Cemetery.
The summit talks with Obama will be followed by a luncheon, a joint press conference and a dinner commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Korea-U.S. alliance.
Park’s itinerary in the U.S. capital also includes a meeting with World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim and delivering a speech before Congress.
Park’s speech at the Capitol takes place one year and six months after her predecessor Lee Myung-bak delivered his. Yoon explained it is the first time since 1945 for two consecutive presidents to speak at the U.S. Congress.
The itinerary is also filled with business-related events, including a roundtable hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and a debate in Los Angeles about her “creative economy” drive.
On her way back to Seoul, Park will stop over in Los Angeles and join Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa for a luncheon and meet with Korean residents in the city.
Cheong Wa Dae said the slogan of Park’s U.S. visit is “Bound by trust, forward together” to summarize the meaning of the summit talks that will design the future of the trust-based Korea-U.S. alliance.
Observers said the slogan also looks to have taken into account Obama’s latest political jargon including “forward” and “together.” Obama’s election slogan for his second presidential bid was “forward.”
He also concluded with the words “we stand together, we work together, we go together” during a speech at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul last May. (jhl@heraldcorp.com)
Park embarks on U.S. visit
By Lee Joo-hee
Korea Herald correspondent
NEW YORK -- President Park Geun-hye arrived in New York on Sunday (early Monday Korean time) on the first leg of her first overseas tour in the U.S.
Her agenda includes summit talks with U.S. President Barack Obama to send a united message on North Korea, regional cooperation and a reinforced Seoul-Washington alliance.
The two presidents are expected to adopt a joint declaration marking the 60th anniversary of the two countries’ alliance upon their first official summit meeting on Wednesday.
Park and Obama are likely to express fortified cooperation between Seoul and Washington to send stronger warning against North Korea’s provocation and nuclear threats.
Park is also expected to urge the U.S.’ support for her trust-building efforts with the North and Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative, resemblant of Europe’s Helsinki process of the 1970s.
Park remains committed to these visions for peninsular peace and regional security, aides said, despite criticism that it was out of tune with current developments.
“The two countries are preparing a joint declaration commemorative of the alliance’s 60th anniversary about the direction of the two countries’ future development,” presidential spokesman Yoon Chang-jung said Friday.
“The declaration will go beyond the future vision of the alliance announced in 2009, and will include core factors about the two countries’ future direction that foresees the next several decades,” he said.
The two leaders are likely to reaffirm their tight-knit cooperation on regional matters including security, the economy and climate change on the comprehensive strategic alliance for a “global partnership.”
Sources said Park and Obama will express stern opposition to Pyongyang’s recent acts of belligerence including its missile threats and the shutdown of Gaeseong industrial park.
Another key purpose of the trip is to reassure American investors of the stability of the Korean market, which suffered heightened anxieties over North Korea’s threats of a military attack.
A record number of conglomerate owners including Samsung Group chairman Lee Kun-hee are accompanying Park to attend meetings arranged with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington.
A company representing Korean businesses operating in the Gaeseong industrial complex is also joining the business delegation, presenting an opportunity to explain the position of the South Korean side of the suspension of the symbolic inter-Korean project. The Gaeseong industrial complex has been suspended since the North pulled out all of its workers. This was followed by a slow withdrawal of all remaining South staff in the border town.
In New York, Park is set to meet Korean-Americans, before meeting with U.N. secretary-general Ban Ki-moon and other South Korean employees in the U.N.
Park will then move to Washington and pay tribute to the Korean War veterans at the Arlington National Cemetery.
The summit talks with Obama will be followed by a luncheon, a joint press conference and a dinner commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Korea-U.S. alliance.
Park’s itinerary in the U.S. capital also includes a meeting with World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim and delivering a speech before Congress.
Park’s speech at the Capitol takes place one year and six months after her predecessor Lee Myung-bak delivered his. Yoon explained it is the first time since 1945 for two consecutive presidents to speak at the U.S. Congress.
The itinerary is also filled with business-related events, including a roundtable hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and a debate in Los Angeles about her “creative economy” drive.
On her way back to Seoul, Park will stop over in Los Angeles and join Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa for a luncheon and meet with Korean residents in the city.
Cheong Wa Dae said the slogan of Park’s U.S. visit is “Bound by trust, forward together” to summarize the meaning of the summit talks that will design the future of the trust-based Korea-U.S. alliance.
Observers said the slogan also looks to have taken into account Obama’s latest political jargon including “forward” and “together.” Obama’s election slogan for his second presidential bid was “forward.”
He also concluded with the words “we stand together, we work together, we go together” during a speech at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul last May. (jhl@heraldcorp.com)