The Korea Herald


White House: Trump 'never takes anything off table' in dealing with N. Korea

By KH디지털2

Published : March 17, 2017 - 09:48

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US President Donald Trump won't remove any option from the table when dealing with North Korea, the White House said Thursday.

"The president never takes anything off the table. That's something he's been very clear about," White House press secretary Sean Spicer said at a briefing when asked about Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's remark that diplomatic efforts to disarm the North failed.

Tillerson's remark suggests that Trump's approach to the North will be tough and pressure-oriented.

Trump has vowed to deal with the North "very strongly," calling the provocative regime "a big, big problem" and a "really, really important" subject.

The Trump administration has considered a wide range of options, including preemptive strikes, though recent reports said that officials have reached the conclusion that preemptive strikes are too risky. (Yonhap)