미국 일리노이 주 시카고에서 17일(현지시간) 오후 늦게 세 살배기 남자 아이가 형의 총에 맞아 숨지는 끔찍한 총기 사고가 벌어졌다.
둘은 '경찰과 도둑' 놀이를 하던 중이었다고 미국 언론이 18일 전했다.
경찰 발표에 따르면, 경찰과 도둑 놀이를 하던 중 3살 많은 형이 집의 냉장고 위에 있던 권총을 집어 들어 동생을 향해 쐈다.
총에는 총알이 장전된 상태였다.
머리를 맞은 동생은 급히 병원으로 옮겨졌으나 끝내 숨을 거뒀다.
경찰은 형제의 아버지인 마이클 산티아고(25)를 권총에 총알을 장전해 아이가 쉽게 접하게 방치함으로써 위험에 빠뜨린 혐의로 체포했다.
전직 조직폭력배인 산티아고는 가족을 보호하려고 동료 조직폭력배에게서 권총을 불법 구매했다고 경찰에 진술했다. 경찰은 사건 수사와 함께 총기 추적도 병행하고 있다.
좀처럼 끊이지 않는 총기 관련 사고로 현재 미국에서는 강력한 총기 규제를 바라는 목소리가 분출하고 있다.
총기 구매자의 신원 조회를 강화해 정신병력자와 전과자가 다시는 총을 소지할 수 없도록 법으로 규제해야 한다는 주장이다.
총기 유통과 함께 총기 보관에 대한 우려도 크게 일고 있다.
이달 3일에는 테네시 주 화이트파인에서 11세 소년이 개와 놀지 못하게 한 이웃집 8세 소녀를 총으로 살해해 큰 논란을 불렀다.
소년은 소녀에게 굴욕을 당하자 곧바로 집의 벽장에서 총을 꺼내와 소녀를 겨냥했다.
당시에도 총은 합법적으로 구매한 것이었지만, 아이들이 총에 쉽게 접근하도록 내버려 둔 소년의 아버지에게 비난이 집중됐다. (연합)
<관련 영문 기사>
6-year-old boy fatally shoots 3-year-old brother in Chicago
A 6-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his 3-year-old brother while playing “cops and robbers’’ with a gun their father told investigators he had obtained illegally from a gang member, Chicago police said Sunday.
Police said the two boys were playing Saturday evening when the older boy reached on top of the refrigerator and grabbed the loaded handgun and then accidentally shot 3-year-old Eian Santiago in the face. The boy was rushed to a hospital, where he died later that night.
Police subsequently arrested the boys’ father, 25-year-old Michael Santiago, on a felony child endangerment charge. During a court hearing on Sunday, Assistant State’s Attorney Joseph DiBella said that Santiago bought the gun off the street, kept it “wrapped in pajama pants on top of the refrigerator’’ and even showed the boy where the gun was.
“He kept the gun for protection because he was a former gang member who snitched on a gang member in a murder trial,’’ the Chicago Tribune reported DiBella as saying in court. Santiago had told police about the gun in a videotaped confession, DiBella said.
Judge James Brown set Santiago’s bail at $75,000. Santiago was represented by the county public defender’s office. The office was closed on Sunday and could not be reached for comment.
Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said the case tragically illustrates a point he has been making for years about how a major cause of much of Chicago’s violent crime is the flood of illegal guns into the city.
“It’s real simple,’’ McCarthy said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press on Sunday. “If that gun is not in the house that kid is alive today. We see this happen over and over and over again.’’
McCarthy routinely points out that his officers seize many times more illegal guns than any city in the nation, including the larger cities of New York and Los Angeles. The department has seized more than 5,500 illegal weapons thus far in 2015.
Chicago also has more homicides than any city in the nation, and the number this year has climbed, with department statistics showing there were 370 homicides as of Oct. 4, compared to 306 for the same period last year. The number of shooting incidents also has climbed during the same period to 1,870 from 1,581 last year.
Some members of the city council recently called for McCarthy to resign because they said he had failed to stem the violence.
But McCarthy said that even when people are convicted in Chicago of gun possession the sentences in Illinois are not as long as they should be and dangerous criminals are back on the street within months or even weeks.
“Until something happens with these gun laws, it’s going to continue,’’ he said. (AP)