The Korea Herald


Ex-manager of Britney Spears says he was punched

By Korea Herald

Published : Oct. 25, 2012 - 10:06

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(AP) (AP)

Britney Spears’ ex-manager described from the witness stand Wednesday a scene of domestic warfare, saying the superstar’s father chased him around a kitchen, punched him and threatened his life.

Sam Lutfi, who is suing Spears’ parents for defamation, testified while they watched from across the courtroom.

He denied accusations made in a book by Lynne Spears that he was a Svengali who became the gatekeeper of her daughter’s world, locking her parents out of her life.

He contends he was a benevolent caretaker who protected Britney during her highly publicized meltdown.

Lutfi’s direct testimony concluded in dramatic fashion as he was overcome by tears while describing the aftermath of the publication of the book.

“After the book came out, there was a huge spike of death threats that were pretty bad,” he testified. “People I know were shunning me. Websites were created to kill me. People wished I was dead. People wished my family,” he didn’t finish the sentence because he was crying.

Lutfi is suing for damages for defamation and for a 15 percent share of the millions of dollars Britney made while he was with her.

The singer remains under the conservatorship of her father and has been told by a judge not to attend or testify in the trial.

She has made a remarkable comeback from her hard times, now acting as a judge on TV’s “The X Factor.” (AP)

<관련 한글 기사>

유명 여가수 前매니저 “죽도록 맞았다!”

브리트니 스피어스의 전 매니저가 지난 수요일 법원 증언대에 서 스피어스의 부친이 자신에게 생명에 위협이 될 정도로 심각한 폭행을 가했다고 폭로했다.

브리트니 스피어스의 부모를 명예훼손 혐의로 고소중인 샘 루트피는 자신이 브리트니 스피어스를 고립시키며 그녀의 부모조차 가까이 다가가지 못하도록 조종했다는 브리트니의 모친인 린 스피어스의 주장을 일축했다.

또 그는 자신이야말로 이미 언론을 통해 널리 알려진 브리트니 스피어스의 정신적 방황기에 그녀를 헌신적으로 지켜준 사람이었다고 주장했다.

루프티는 스피어스의 부모를 명예훼손 혐의로 고발하면서 그가 매니저로 일하면서 스피어스가 벌어들인 수익의 15퍼센트를 요구했다.

브리트니 스피어스는 현재 아버지를 법정 후견인으로 지정한 상태로 판사는 그녀에게 법정에 출두하지 말라고 언급한 것으로 알려졌다.

한편 브리트니 스피어스는 최근 슬럼프를 극복하고 화려하게 복귀해 TV 오디션 프로그램 “엑스팩터”에서 심사위원으로 출연하고 있다. (코리아헤럴드)