The Korea Herald


The not so casual ‘airport fashion’ of Korean celebrities

By Korea Herald

Published : July 10, 2017 - 17:51

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Airport fashion photos like these are popular entertainment news items, but a recent media report has claimed the outfit selections may not be as casual as they appear. This photo is not related to the article. (Herald DB) Airport fashion photos like these are popular entertainment news items, but a recent media report has claimed the outfit selections may not be as casual as they appear. This photo is not related to the article. (Herald DB)
A steady stream of photos featuring Korean celebrities at Incheon International Airport, is featured by media. Their “off-duty” clothes, especially when going viral, often become instant hits.

But according to the Munhwa Ilbo newspaper, the “airport fashion” worn by Korean stars is now strictly controlled by corporate sponsors. Celebrities are often paid several million won to wear certain items at the airport.

Top-rated stars get paid for a complete package of “airport fashion” items from sunglasses to sneakers, and entertainment agencies notify reporters of the stars’ precise schedules ensuring their looks are photographed and shared on social media.

Aside from the commercialization of airport fashion, Munhwa Ilbo said that some stars are dodging taxes on the sponsorship, which is often arranged without formal contracts.

By Kim Min-joo / Intern reporter (