The Korea Herald


King of Bhutan marries his commoner bride


Published : Oct. 13, 2011 - 14:40

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PUNAKHA, Bhutan (AP) _ The beloved king of the tiny Himalayan nation of Bhutan married his commoner bride Thursday in an ancient Buddhist ceremony at the country's most sacred monastery fortress.

King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck, wearing the raven crown, came down from his golden throne in front of a huge statue of Buddha to place a smaller, silk brocade crown upon the head of his bride, Jetsun Pema. Monks chanted in celebration as she took her seat beside him as the new queen of the country.

King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck,left, and Queen Jetsun Pema sit during Buddhist blessings prior to their marriage at the Punakha Dzong, in Punakha, Bhutan, Thursday. AP) King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck,left, and Queen Jetsun Pema sit during Buddhist blessings prior to their marriage at the Punakha Dzong, in Punakha, Bhutan, Thursday. AP)

The wedding has captivated the nation, which had grown impatient with their 31-year-old bachelor king's lack of urgency to find a bride and start a family of his own since his father retired and handed power to him five years ago.

Children composed poems, flight attendants practiced celebratory dances and posters of the couple were nearly ubiquitous.

The celebrations began at 8:20 a.m. -- a time set by royal astrologers -- when the king, wearing the royal yellow sash, walked into the courtyard of the 17th century monastery in the old capital of Punakha and proceeded up the high staircase inside. A few minutes later, his 21-year-old bride arrived at the end of a procession of red-robed monks and flag bearers across a wooden footbridge over the wide, blue river beside the fort and followed him inside.

Singers chanted songs of celebration amid the clanging of drums and the drone of long dhung trumpets. She wore a traditional wraparound skirt with a gold jacket with deep red cuffs.

Inside, the nation's top cleric, who presided over the wedding, performed a purification ceremony for the couple in front of a massive 100-foot Thongdal tapestry of Bhutan's 17th century founder, the monk-king Zhabdrung.

The pair then proceeded to the temple for a ceremony broadcast live on national television, save for a few minutes when the king, his father and the cleric, known as the Je Khenpo, entered the sacred tomb of Zhabdrung, where only they are allowed.

The king's father then gave the bride an array of five colored scarves representing blessings from the tomb. Hesitantly, she then approached the king's throne with a golden chalice filled with the ambrosia of eternal life. They held it together for several seconds and then he drank.

The king, wearing his red Raven Crown, with an image of the protector bird rising from the top, came down from the throne and placed a smaller crown on her head. After she took her place as queen, the newly married couple was feted by monks playing deep tones on traditional trumpets and pounding drums.

The Je Khenpo presented them a series of gifts -- a mirror, curd, grass, a conch -- representing blessings for longevity, wisdom, purity and other well wishes.

Unlike this year's other royal wedding -- that of Britain's William and Kate -- there were no foreign princes, no visiting heads of state, no global celebrities. Just the royal family, thousands of nearby villagers gathered at a nearby field waiting for the royal couple to celebrate with them and the rest of the country's 700,000 people watching live on TV.

``The whole theme of the wedding was to keep it a simple family affair, that is the Bhutanese family,'' said Kinley Dorji, Bhutan's secretary of information.

The Oxford-educated king is adored for pushing development and ushering in democratic reforms that established a constitutional monarchy and legislature in 2008. His teen-idol looks -- slicked back hair, long sideburns -- his penchant for evening bike rides through the streets and his reputation as a laid-back, accessible leader, also make him the rare monarch whose picture adorns the bedroom walls of teenage girls.

His bride, the daughter of a pilot, has been on an introductory tour of the remote villages of the nation since the king told Parliament in May, ``It's now time for me to marry.''

The remote nation began slowly opening up to the rest of the world in the 1960s. Foreigners and the international media were first admitted in 1974. Television finally arrived in 1999.

The country has not had a royal wedding since the fourth king held a mass ceremony in 1988 with his four wives -- four sisters whom he had informally married years earlier. The current king says he will take only one wife, so the country is unlikely to see another such celebration for a long time.



히말라야 소국 부탄서도 `로열 웨딩'

10살 연하 평민 여성과 소박한 결혼

히말라야 소국 부탄의 지그메 케사르 남기엘 왕추크(31) 국왕이 13일 10살 연하의 평민 출신 제선 페마와 결혼식을 올렸다.

이날 결혼식은 70만 국민의 축복 속에 부탄의 옛 수도 푸나카에 있는 17세기 요 새에서 거행됐다. 

불교국가인 부탄의 `로열 웨딩'은 성대하게 치러진 영국 윌리엄 왕자의  결혼식 과는 달리 국왕의 뜻에 따라 왕실 가족과 승려들만 참석한채 소박하게 진행됐다.

외국의 왕족이나 국가 원수, 세계적 유명인사는 한명도 초대하지 않았다.
왕실 점성가들이 정한 오전 8시20분에 맞춰 시작된 결혼식은 부탄 최고 승려의 주재 아래 전통예식으로 진행됐다. 

왕추크 국왕은 왕실을 상징하는 노란색 띠를 두르고 나타났으며 몇분 뒤 신부는 끝이 둥근 전통식 치마와 붉은 소매가 달린 황금색 재킷을 입고 승려들의 행렬 끝에 서서 걸어나왔다. 

짧은 정화의식이 끝난 뒤 왕의 아버지는 무덤의 축복이 기린 오색 스카프를  신 부에게 전달했다. 

국왕은 신부와 함께 불멸을 상징하는 신의 음식이 담긴 성배를 함께 마셨다. 

이어 국왕은 신부의 머리 위에 비단으로 짜인 왕관을 씌워줬으며  신부는  부탄 의 새 왕비로서 국왕의 옆 왕좌에 앉으면서 결혼식 분위기는 최고조에 달했다. 

승려들은 축하의 노래를 불렀고 최고 승려는 두 사람에게 장수와 지혜, 순결 등 을 뜻하는 거울과 풀, 소라고동을 선물했다. 

이날 결혼식이 진행된 요새 주변에는 국왕의 결혼을 축하하려는 시민 수천명이 몰려들었으며 다른 국민들도 춤추고 노래하며 왕실의 결혼을 축하했다. 나머지 국민 들은 TV 생중계를 통해 국왕의 결혼식을 지켜봤다. 

결혼식이 끝난 뒤 신랑 신부는 대중들 앞에 모습을 드러내 인사했다.
왕추쿠 국왕은 영국 옥스퍼드대를 졸업하고 미국에서도 수학한 인물로, 2008년 28살에 5대 국왕에 올랐다. 

그는 민주적 개혁과 입헌군주제를 추진했으며 궁이 아닌 조그마한 시골집에  거 주하며 겸손하고 서민적인 면모를 보이고 있어 국민들 사이에서 인기가 높다.

새 왕비인 페마는 항공기 조종사의 딸로, 인도와 영국 레전트 대학에서 유학한 재원이다. 

부탄에서 왕실 결혼식이 열린 것은 지난 1988년 왕추크 국왕의 아버지인 4대 국 왕의 결혼식 후 23년만에 처음이다. 

특히 왕추크 국왕은 4명의 부인을 둔 아버지와는 달리 한명의 부인만 맞겠다고 선언했다.