When students return to the school where two teachers were jailed last week for alleged lewdness, they’ll have new teachers in their classrooms, a new principal in the front office and new workers serving lunch.
In a move that experts said was unprecedented, the entire 120-member staff at Miramonte Elementary School will be replaced as of Thursday after a two-day school shutdown as part of Los Angeles Unified School District’s investigation into the two veteran teachers arrested last week.
“It’s the most severe action I’ve seen taken by a school district,” said Terri Miller, president of Stop Educator Sexual Abuse, Misconduct and Exploitation, an advocacy organization based in Las Vegas.
The move by administrators Monday evening was a bold step by the district to restore parents’ badly shaken confidence at the school, but it was met with mixed feelings.
It came after about three dozen people protested in front of the main doors of the school earlier Monday, some carrying a banner that read, “We the parents demand our children be protected from lewd teacher acts.” It also followed a march later in the day, in which 100 angry parents marched from the elementary school to the nearby administrators meeting.
Some parents praised the decision, while several dozen protested outside the school Tuesday morning and circulated a petition calling for the staff to be reinstated.
More than a quarter of students did not show up for class on Monday and a number of parents pulled children out of the school on Friday after news broke of a teacher arrested for suspected fondling two second-graders, four days after a third-grade teacher was accused of feeding 23 children his semen in a bizarre “tasting game.”
The school board on Tuesday voted unanimously to fire the teacher arrested Friday, Martin Springer, 49. The other teacher, Mark Berndt, 61, was fired in January 2010 after the district learned of a sheriff’s department probe.
Miramonte’s old staff will continue being paid and will be housed at an undisclosed location at least until August while each person is thoroughly interviewed, Superintendent John Deasy said.
It’s unclear whether any will return to Miramonte. On Tuesday, they were packing up their classroom belongings to head to a nearby newly constructed school that is unoccupied, district spokesman Tom Waldman said.
“They thought making a clean break was the only way to get this under control,” said John E.B. Myers, a professor at Pacific McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento who has studied abuse cases.
The new principal will be a retired principal, while the rest of the new staffers, including some 90 teachers, are former district personnel who were laid off due to budget cuts in recent years, the district said.
Deasy said the new staff members are being vigorously screened for any previous complaints against them. Each of the approximately 90 teachers will be accompanied in class by a psychiatric social worker to address possible issues caused by the scandal and the midyear disruption.
The cost of the plan has not yet been determined, but Deasy said he was sparing no expense to understand how the abuse occurred over some years and no one reported it.
The district’s investigation, which will be handled by an independent commission led by retired California Supreme Court Chief Justice Carlos Moreno, will include interviewing past students and staff at Miramonte.
The alleged abuse came to light last Monday night when Berndt was arrested.
Berndt is charged with committing lewd acts on children, ages 6 to 10, between 2005 and 2010. The alleged acts include blindfolding children, feeding them semen, taping their mouths, and photographing them in a “game.”
Berndt, who worked at the school for 32 years, remains jailed on $23 million bail and could face life in prison if convicted.
The furor led to two parents coming forward Thursday to complain that Springer, who had worked at the school for 26 years, fondled two second-grade girls in his classroom. He was charged with committing lewd acts upon one girl in 2009 and was due in court Tuesday afternoon.
Investigators said they know of no connection between the men. Berndt and Springer took their classes on at least two joint field trips in the past decade, according to the Los Angeles Times. (AP)
<한글 기사>
美 ‘성추행 교사’ 학교, 교직원 전원 물갈이 초강수
교장에서 요리사, 정원사까지 전부 직위 해제
미국 교육 당국이 교사 2명이 어린 여학생을 지속적으로 성추행한 초등학교 교직원을 모조리 직위 해제하는 초강경 대책을 내놔 눈길을 끌었다.
미국 로스앤젤레스통합교육구청은 최근 교사 성추행 사건이 드러난 로스앤젤레스 미라몬테 초등학교 교장을 비롯한 교사 전원과 행정직원, 심지어 식당 요리사, 정원사 등 모든 직원을 직위해제하고 대기 발령했다고 7일 (현지시간) 로스앤젤레스 타임스가 보도했다.
미라몬테 초등학교는 최근 교사 2명이 20여년 동안 여학생을 성추행한 사실이 뒤늦게 밝혀져 경찰에 구속된데다 당시 교장 등이 학부모들에게 신고를 받고도 묵살 한 정황까지 드러나 공분을 샀다.
특히 이 사건이 언론에 보도되고 학부모들이 진상 조사와 관련자 처벌을 요구하며 시위에 나선데다 등교 거부로 지난 6일에는 학생 25%가 학교에 출석하지 않아 7일과 8일에는 임시 휴교하는 등 후유증을 톡톡히 앓고 있다.
존 디지 교육장은 “철저한 진상 조사와 학부모들의 신뢰 회복을 위해 내린 조치”라면서” “다시는 어린 학생들에게 ‘선생님이 이상한 짓을 해요’라는 말을 듣고 싶 지 않다”고 말했다.
교사 90여명을 포함해 직위 해제된 교직원들은 오는 9월까지 급료는 그대로 받는 대신 보직없이 진상조사단의 철저한 조사를 받을 예정이다.
로스앤젤레스통합교육청은 캘리포니아주 대법관을 지낸 카를로스 모레노를 조사 단장으로 위촉해 중립적인 조사를 벌이겠다고 학부모들에게 약속했다.
이 학교 교사였던 마크 번트(61)는 2008년부터 2010년까지 2년여 동안 온갖 엽기적인 범행을 저지른 사실이 최근 밝혀져 구속됐다.
또 지난 3일 이 학교 교사 마틴 버나드 스프링거(49)도 여학생을 상습적으로 성추행한 혐의로 경찰에 체포됐다. (연합뉴스)