The Korea Herald


Resolution gives rights to sperm


Published : March 5, 2012 - 11:12

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Human sperm would have equal protection under the law under a resolution passed by the Wilmington, Del., City Council last week, its sponsor said.

The resolution would confer the "rights of personhood" on every human sperm and would forbid men from destroying their semen, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported Sunday.

The resolution, passed on a 8-4 vote Thursday, said, "Laws should be enacted by all legislative bodies in the United States to promote equal representation, and should potentially include laws in defense of 'personhood,' forbidding every man from destroying his semen."

Loretta Walsh, the Wilmington councilwoman who introduced the resolution, last month protested a Virginia bill that would require women to have an intrusive trans-vaginal ultrasound before having an abortion, the Wilmington News Journal reported. Her resolution was a "tongue-in-cheek" way of focusing attention on what she said was "the absurdity of men making health decisions for women."

"What's good for the gander is good for the goose," Walsh said

Councilman Paul F. Ignudo Jr., who voted against the measure, said he didn't think it was appropriate for the council to send a "sarcastic, snarky and tongue-in-cheek" resolution to lawmakers. (UPI)


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해당 결의안은 “인간으로서의 권리”를 정자에게 부여하자는 취지로서, 남성이 자신의 정자를 파괴하는 것을 금하고 있다. 이는 1일(현지시간) 델라웨어 주(州) 윌밍턴 시의회에서 찬성 8명 대 반대 4명으로 통과되었다.

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월시는 그녀가 결의안을 제출한 것은 “남성들이 여성들을 위해 건강과 관련된 결정을 대신 내려주는 것의 불합리함”에 이목을 끌기 위한 “장난스러운” 방식이라고 했다.

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한편, 반대표를 던졌던 시의원 폴 F.이그누도 씨는 “냉소적이고 비난조면서 장난식의” 결의안을 입법자들에게 보내는 것은 옳지 않다고 말했다.