The Korea Herald


Actress fined for prostitution trip

By 임정요

Published : June 13, 2016 - 14:56

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A Korean actress who had went abroad for a prostitution expedition was fined 2 million won ($1,700), Seoul Central District Court confirmed Monday.

The accused had earlier filed for an official trial to counter the penalty, but withdrew the bid on June 3. 

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Prostitution is illegal under South Korean law.

The actress was given a summary indictment for signing a deal with an entertainment agency head who promised financial returns on condition for sex provided to a Korean-American businessman in the U.S.

She had initially planned to plead innocent in court, but changed her mind as she feared her identity would be disclosed to the public in the process.

All other celebrities and trainees involved in this case have also accepted the fine penalty.

The agency pimps are currently undergoing the first trial for violation of antiprostitution law by arranging sexual services. 

By Lim Jeong-yeo (